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John Gagliardi johngag

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seratch /
Last active August 21, 2024 04:01
Two Slack App Installation Flow Example (Flask + SQLAlchemy)
import logging
from typing import Callable
import os
from slack_bolt import App, BoltContext, Ack
from slack_bolt.adapter.flask import SlackRequestHandler
from slack_bolt.oauth.oauth_settings import OAuthSettings
igal-getrailo / 1 nginx-railo.conf
Last active October 28, 2016 14:25
this is a reverse-proxy connector that connects nginx to Railo. the files in this example assume that they are located in the same folder as the nginx executable file (i.e. nginx.exe on Windows).the main conf file is nginx-railo.conf which should be passed to nginx as the config file, e.g. nginx -c nginx-railo.confit includes other config files …
#### this is the main config file for nginx, to specify it from the command line, use the -c switch, e.g
#### nginx.exe -c nginx-railo.conf
##** if connecting to Tomcat, use Tomcat's RemoteIpValve to resolve CGI.REMOTE_ADDR, CGI.SERVER_NAME, and CGI.SERVER_PORT_SECURE
##** <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteIpValve" protocolHeader="X-Forwarded-Proto" remoteIpHeader="X-Forwarded-For" protocolHeaderHttpsValue="https" />
#user nobody;
#pid logs/;
abhishekdev / com.edb.launchd.postgresql-9.1.plist
Created March 2, 2012 19:56
Disable/Enable PostgreSQL Autostart on Mac OS X Lion
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
<plist version="1.0">