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def find_longest_path(s):
i = j = 0
tabs = 0
paths = []
while j < len(s):
if s[j] == '\n':
if '.' in s[i:j]:
index = i - (tabs + 1)
paths.append(find_path(s, index, tabs, j-i))
if s[j] == '\t':
i = j
tabs = 0
while s[i] == '\t':
tabs += 1
i += 1
j = i
j += 1
if '.' in s[i:j]:
index = i - (tabs + 1)
paths.append(find_path(s, index, tabs, j - i))
return max(paths) if paths else 0
def find_path(s, index, tabs, file_length):
i = j = index
total = file_length
count = 0
while j >= 0:
if s[j] == '\t':
temp = 0
while s[j] == '\t':
temp += 1
j -= 1
if temp == tabs-1 and '.' not in s[j:i]:
total += count
tabs -= 1
i = j
count = 0
count += 1
j -= 1
total += count
return total
dir_string = "dir\n\tsubdir1\n\t\tfile1.ext\n\t\tsubsubdir1\n\tsubdir2\n\t\tsubsubdir2\n\t\t\tfile2.ext"
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