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Dependency injection for Python
This file contains a POC dependency-injection framework based on Scala's ZIO library. The idea is that
each dependency can have one or more "layer," which specifies how to construct that type of dependency
from other dependencies. These layers can be added to an "environment," which can construct a value
for any type that you query, so long as layers have been added for it and and its upstream dependencies.
Toward the end of the file there's a simple example demonstrating how this framework can be used for
configuring an application.
from dataclasses import dataclass, is_dataclass, fields
from typing import Iterable, Iterator, ContextManager, TextIO, Tuple, Type, ForwardRef, get_origin, get_args, List, Any, Callable, ClassVar, Dict, Generic, Mapping, MutableMapping, Optional, Self, Type, TypeVar
import abc
import inspect
import sys
from contextlib import contextmanager, ExitStack
## ##
## ##
A = TypeVar('A')
class Injectable(abc.ABC):
If a dataclass inherits this, it can be added to an Env instance as a dependency. Any
Injectable subclasses added to an environment will be accessible as the highest supertype
that inherits Injectable. The idea is that you can choose which implementation of an
interface (i.e., base class) to provide to your environment, and it will be accessible as
that interface.
injected_class: ClassVar[Type['Injectable']]
def construct(cls, env: 'Env') -> ContextManager[Self]:
if is_dataclass(cls):
def ctx():
with env.multi_context(*(f.type for f in fields(cls))) as params:
yield cls(*params)
return ctx()
raise NotImplementedError(
(f'Cannot generate an injectable constructor for {cls.__name__} because it is not a dataclass. Your options are:'
f'\n 1. Make {cls.__name__} a dataclass by adding @dataclasses.dataclass above its definition'
f'\n 2. Add an implementation of the classmethod "construct" on {cls.__name__}'
f'\n 3. If {cls.__name__} is a base/abstract class, do not add it to an environment. Add an implementation instead.')
def __get_highest_class(cls) -> Type['Injectable']:
if hasattr(cls, 'injected_class') and cls.injected_class is not None:
return cls.injected_class
found_injectable: Optional[Type[Injectable]] = None
for typ in cls.__bases__:
if typ is Injectable:
return cls
if inspect.isclass(typ) and issubclass(typ, Injectable):
found_injectable = typ
if found_injectable is not None:
return found_injectable.__get_highest_class()
raise ValueError(f'Could not find highest subclass of Injectable from {cls.__name__}')
def layer(cls) -> 'Layer[Self]':
return Layer(cls.__get_highest_class(), cls, cls.construct)
class _EnvValue:
"""Wrapper around a value to be used by Env"""
value: Any
class _EnvLayer:
"""Wrapper around a layer to be used by Env"""
specific_typ: Type[Any]
function: Callable[['Env'], Any]
class Env:
__env_map: MutableMapping[Type[Any], _EnvValue | _EnvLayer]
__get_stack: List[Tuple[Type[Any], Optional[Type[Any]]]]
def __init__(self, *layers: 'Layer' | Type[Injectable]):
self.__env_map = {}
self.__get_stack = []
for layer in layers:
if isinstance(layer, Layer):
elif issubclass(layer, Injectable):
def add_value(self, typ: Type[A], value: A):
self.__env_map[typ] = _EnvValue(value)
return self
def add_layer(self, layer: 'Layer'):
self.__env_map[layer.interface] = _EnvLayer(layer.implementation, layer.fn)
return self
def __get(self, typ: Type[A]) -> Iterator[Optional[A]]:
self.__get_stack.append((typ, None))
match self.__env_map.get(typ):
case None:
yield None
case _EnvValue(value):
del self.__get_stack[-1]
yield value
case _EnvLayer(specific_typ, function):
self.__get_stack = [*self.__get_stack[:-1], (self.__get_stack[-1][0], specific_typ)]
with function(self) as value:
self.__env_map = {**self.__env_map, typ: _EnvValue(value)}
assert(any(isinstance(v, _EnvValue) for v in self.__env_map.values()))
del self.__get_stack[-1]
yield value
self.__env_map = {**self.__env_map, typ: _EnvLayer(specific_typ, function)}
case _:
yield None
self.__get_stack = []
def __error_message(self) -> str:
error_message = ''
last_value: Optional[str] = None
for i, (stack_typ, spec_stack_typ) in enumerate(self.__get_stack):
if i == len(self.__get_stack) - 1:
error_message = error_message + f'\n{stack_typ.__name__} <- not provided!'
if last_value is not None:
error_message = error_message + f' (required by {last_value})'
elif i == 0:
error_message = f'Unable to construct {stack_typ.__name__} from environment'
error_message = error_message + f'\n{stack_typ.__name__} <- required by {last_value}'
last_value = stack_typ.__name__
if spec_stack_typ is not None and spec_stack_typ is not stack_typ:
error_message = error_message + f'\n{spec_stack_typ.__name__} <- provided subtype of {stack_typ.__name__}'
last_value = spec_stack_typ.__name__
return error_message
def __getitem__(self, typ: Type[A]) -> A:
value: Optional[A] = self.__get(typ).__enter__()
if value is None:
raise ValueError(self.__error_message())
return value
def context(self, typ: Type[A]) -> Iterator[A]:
Retrieve a dependency of type A as a context,.
with my_env.context(SomeService) as some_service:
with self.__get(typ) as value:
if value is None:
raise ValueError(self.__error_message())
yield value
def multi_context(self, *types: Type[Any]) -> Iterator[Tuple[Any]]:
Retrieve multiple dependencies in tuple form as a context.
with my_env.multi_context(ServiceA, ServiceB) as service_a, service_b:
a_val = service_a.calculate_something()
with ExitStack() as stack:
values = tuple(stack.enter_context(self.context(t)) for t in types)
yield values
class Layer(Generic[A]):
A dependency constructor, that tracks the supertype ("interface") that the dependency should
be injectable as, as well as the specific type ("implementation") of the dependency.
The constructor pulls any upstream dependencies from an environment, and generates
a context (resource).
interface: Type[A]
implementation: Type[A]
fn: Callable[[Env], ContextManager[A]]
def simple(cls, typ: Type[A], fn: Callable[[Env], ContextManager[A]]) -> 'Layer[A]':
Generate a simple layer where there's no distinction between the interface and
return Layer(typ, typ, fn)
## ##
## ##
class HelloService(Injectable, abc.ABC):
def say_hello(self) -> str:
class HelloServiceLive(HelloService):
def say_hello(self) -> str:
return "hello (live)"
class HelloServiceTest(HelloService):
def say_hello(self) -> str:
return "hello (test)"
class GoodbyeService(Injectable, abc.ABC):
def say_goodbye(self) -> str:
class GoodbyeServiceLive(GoodbyeService):
def say_goodbye(self) -> str:
return "goodbye (live)"
class GoodbyeServiceTest(GoodbyeService):
def say_goodbye(self) -> str:
return "goodbye (test)"
class ConversationService(Injectable, abc.ABC):
def converse(self) -> str:
class ConversationServiceLive(ConversationService):
hello_service: HelloService
goodbye_service: GoodbyeService
def converse(self) -> str:
return self.hello_service.say_hello() + '\n' + self.goodbye_service.say_goodbye() + '\n'
class ConversationServiceSimple(ConversationService):
Since this class has a str dependency, we probably don't want that to be autowired
(what if multiple classes have a str dependency? the same string will be passed to
both!) So instead, we'll provide a custom layer to simply construct a value. In the
real world, this would probably be constructed from a configuration source, which
could have its own layer to pull from a file or the environment.
conversation: str
def converse(self) -> str:
return self.conversation
def converse_layer(cls, conversation: str) -> Layer[ConversationService]:
Provide this to an environment instead of the class.
return Layer.impl(ConversationService, cls, lambda _: cls(conversation + '\n'))
class IOService(Injectable):
def write_str(self, value: str):
class StdIOService(IOService):
def write_str(self, value: str):
class FileIOService(IOService):
Like ConversationServiceSimple, this implementation depends on a file object
that we wouldn't want to autowire. This case is more complicated, however, because
a file object is a resource, not an immutable str.
In this case, we'll add a layer to provide a file as a resource.
file: TextIO
def write_str(self, value: str):
def resource_layer(cls, file_path: str) -> Layer[IOService]:
def constr(_: Env) -> Iterator[IOService]:
with open(file_path, 'w') as file:
yield FileIOService(file)
return Layer(IOService, cls, constr)
# APPLICATION (no distinction between interface and implementation)
class ConversationApplication(Injectable):
conversation_service: ConversationService
io_service: IOService
def run(self):
conversation = self.conversation_service.converse()
## ##
## ##
# Define environment by adding Injectable instances or manual
# layers. Comment/uncomment implementations to change how the
# application is constructed
my_env = Env(
# FileIOService.resource_layer('output.txt'),
# ConversationServiceSimple.converse_layer('this is the full conversation'),
# HelloServiceTest,
# GoodbyeServiceTest,
# Access the application type and run it
with my_env.context(ConversationApplication) as app:
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