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Last active May 18, 2020 11:59
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# Converts Ordnance Survey Terrian 50 United Kingdom data to a simple NumPy array of terrain altitudes
# The original OS data is freely downloadable from:
# Directly converts the zipped terrain file to a NPZ file
# Resulting array is a (24600, 13200) array of float64
# Requirements:
# * pycrs
# * lxml
import os, sys
import numpy as np
import zipfile
import re
import fnmatch
from lxml import etree
import pycrs
import scipy.sparse
def load_elevation(map_zip, grid, n):
"""Take a grid reference (e.g. HU) and a subgrid number (e.g. 41), and load
the relevant elevation file, returning the x and y of the lower left corner,
the size of the grid units and the elevation as a 2D numpy array."""
# open the relevant zip file, returning all none if no such path
zip_path = f"data/{grid}/{grid}{n:02d}_OST50GRID_*.zip"
matches = fnmatch.filter(map_zip.namelist(), zip_path)
if len(matches) == 0:
return None
zip_path = matches[0]
with as zip_f:
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_f, "r") as inner_zip:
# open the ASCII grid data
with"{grid.upper()}{n:02d}.gml") as f:
gml = etree.parse(f)
with"{grid.upper()}{n:02d}.prj") as f:
projection = pycrs.parse.from_esri_wkt(
with"Metadata_{grid.upper()}{n:02d}.xml") as f:
metadata = etree.parse(f)
with"{grid.upper()}{n:02d}.asc.aux.xml") as f:
aux = etree.parse(f)
with"{grid.upper()}{n:02d}.asc") as f:
# read the header
for line in f:
line = line.decode("ascii")
elts = line.split(" ")
if elts[0] == "xllcorner":
x = int(elts[1])
if elts[0] == "yllcorner":
y = int(elts[1])
if elts[0] == "cellsize":
size = int(elts[1])
# parse the array
with"{grid.upper()}{n:02d}.asc") as f:
elevation = np.genfromtxt(f, skip_header=5)
return {"x":x, "y":y, "size":size, "projection":projection, "metadata":metadata, "aux":aux, "gml":gml, "elevation":elevation,
def load_region(map_zip, grid_refs, grids):
"""Load all sub-grids in each grid_ref, and return them
as a dictionary of subgrids"""
h_max = 0
# for each grid ref
for grid in grid_refs:
# load all sub-grids
for n in range(100):
elev = load_elevation(map_zip, grid, n)
# if one can be found, store the elevation
if elev:
x, y = elev["x"], elev["y"]
grids[(x, y)] = elev
print(f"Loaded {grid}{n}")
def merge_grids(grids):
xs = [square["x"] for key,square in grids.items()]
ys = [square["y"] for key,square in grids.items()]
resolution = 50
cell_size = 200
min_x, max_x = np.min(xs), np.max(xs)
min_y, max_y = np.min(ys), np.max(ys)
x_span = (max_x-min_x) // resolution
y_span = (max_y-min_y) // resolution
full_map = np.zeros((x_span+cell_size, y_span+cell_size))
for key, square in grids.items():
x, y = (square["x"]-min_x)//resolution, (square["y"]-min_y)//resolution
elevation = square["elevation"]
full_map[x:x+cell_size, y:y+cell_size] = np.fliplr(elevation.transpose())
# full_map_sparse = scipy.sparse.bsr_matrix(np.flipud(full_map.T), blocksize=(200,200))
return min_x, min_y, full_map
def load_map(map_path):
terr50_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(map_path)
# find all regions in the terrain file
regions = [re.findall("data/([a-z][a-z])/*", fname) for fname in terr50_zip.namelist()]
# filter for unique tags
regions = {region[0] for region in regions if len(region)>0}
grids = {}
load_region(terr50_zip, list(regions), grids)
min_x, min_y, merged = merge_grids(grids)"os_gb_terr_50.npy", merged)
print(min_x, min_y)
if __name__=="__main__":
path = ""
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