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Last active September 30, 2019 09:59
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Convert FontAwesome's SVG icons to PNG
# Convert all FontAwesome SVGs to PNGs
# Instructions:
# 1. Download FontAwesome's desktop package & extract
# 2. Save this script to the root folder & make it executable
# 3. (Optional) Choose conversion method below
# 4. Run! (takes a few minutes to get through the whole collection)
# Dimensions/size are fixed square and icon is padded/centered
# Requires svgexport (, npm install --global svgexport)
# Slow (~1000ms per icon)
convert_fixed() {
svgexport "${1}" "${2}" 512:512 pad
# Dimensions/size are not fixed, based on icon itself
# Requires rsvg-convert (, brew install librsvg)
# Fast (~50ms per icon)
convert_natural() {
rsvg-convert "${1}" --output "${2}" --keep-aspect-ratio
echo "${1}"
for style in brands duotone light regular solid ; do
mkdir -p "pngs/${style}"
for icon in "svgs/${style}/"*.svg ; do
filename=$(basename -- "${icon}")
# convert_fixed "${icon}" "pngs/${style}/${name}.png"
convert_natural "${icon}" "pngs/${style}/${name}.png"
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