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Last active November 15, 2018 18:51
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#Rails for designers

##Creating a Rails project With the command line, navigate to where you want the project folder to be generated (e.g. documents/my_rails_projects/) and type the following to create a project called project_name:

rails new project_name

Navigate to that folder and type the following to create a controller called posts:

rails g controller posts

In text editor, open the file project_name/app/controllers/posts_controller and make sure it says:

class PostsController < ApplicationController
  def index

Navigate to project_name/app/views/posts/ and create the file index.html.erb in that folder. Open project_name/config/routes.rb and under the first row, enter:

resources :posts

With the command line tool, make sure you are have navigated to the project folder, then type:

rails s

In your browser, go to localhost:3000/posts. To stop the server, hit ctrl-C.

##Generate a controller and action

rails g controller <controller name> <action>

##Change layout for entire Controller

class ProductsController < ApplicationController
  layout "inventory"

In the 'layouts' folder under 'views' you can save different layout styles. In the controller you specify which layout will be used.

##Change layout for Controller ACTION

class ProductsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    render :layout => 'special_layout'

This is commonly used when ...

##If server doesn't start: Migrate the database

bundle exec rake db:migrate	

This needs to be written into the command line if development has been been working on the database and the server doesn't start.


##Create a text link

<%= link_to “Terms”, terms_path %>

"Terms" is the text shown for the link. The path needs to exist in config/routes.rb e.g.

get 'terms', to: 'welcome#terms' 

for the link to the page "terms" under the folder "welcome". Restart server after updating the rb file.

##Wrap an image, declared in the HTML, in a link

<%= link_to root_path, :id => "root" do %>
  <img />
<% end %>

##Wrap an image, declared in the SCSS, in a link

<%= link_to('', root_path, class: 'my_image') %>

In the SCSS, use the "my_image" class to add background-image, or other styling. The '' makes sure no text is used for the link.

##Repeat elements

<% 3.times do %>
<% end %>

##Render a partial

<%= render 'sidebar' %>

When saving partials, make sure their names start with an underscore and have the file type _PARTIAL.html.erb. They should not be called with an underscore though.


##Insert an image with a class

<%= image_tag('divider_arrow.png', :class => "arrow") %>

##Insert an image using the asset pipeline

<%= image_tag("foo.png") %>

##Linking Javascript assets

<%= javascript_include_tag "main", "columns" %>

##Linking Stylesheet assets

<%= stylesheet_link_tag "main", "columns" %>


##CSS Image Assets

background: image_url("image.png");
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