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Created June 10, 2017 04:28
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name = raw_input("What's your name?")
print ("Hi " + name + "!")
#set variables
answer_dict = {}
quiz_dict = {}
#quiz answers
answer_dict["easy"] = ["Buzz Aldrin", "West Point", "MIT", "astronaut", ""]
answer_dict["medium"] = ["Moon rocks", "Apollo", "Soviet Luna", "moon's", ""]
answer_dict["hard"] = ["Saturn", "62", "moons", "Titan", ""]
answer_holders = ["__1__", "__2__", "__3__", "__4__", ""]
#quiz questions
quiz_dict["easy"] = answer_holders[0] + " is famously the second human to walk on the moon. When " + answer_holders[0] + " graduated from high school he went on to become third in his class at" + answer_holders[1] + ". They would become a fighter pilot before completing their education in gradute school at " + answer_holders[2] + " before moving on to become an " + answer_holders[3] + "."
quiz_dict["medium"] = answer_holders[0] + " on earth come from three sources: those collected by the" + answer_holders[1] + "missions, those collected by the" + answer_holders[2] + "missions and those that were ejected from the" + answer_holders[3] + "surface." + answer_holders[0] + "in the U.S. are considered to be national treasure and are illegal to sell within its borders."
quiz_dict["hard"] =answer_holders[0] + " has a total of" + answer_holders[1] + answer_holders[2] + ". The largest is named" + answer_holders[3] + "which is believed to make up 96 percent of the matter orbiting" + answer_holders[0] + "." + answer_holders[3] + "is believed to be one of two" + answer_holders[2] + "its size, but the other one broke up and contributed to creating some of the debris that formed the very distinctive shapes around" + answer_holders[0] + "."
#find out user level choice
choice = raw_input("welcome to the quiz. you will have 5 chances to get the answers correct. please choose your difficulty level: easy, medium or hard")
#use raw data to print level
level = choice
def get_level():
if choice == "easy":
level = "easy"
print quiz_dict[level]
elif choice == "medium":
level = "medium"
print quiz_dict[level]
elif choice == "hard":
level = "hard"
print quiz_dict[level]
level = "easy"
print "i did not recognize your choice, defaulting to easy"
#should i print here?
#split into a list and replace answer holder
def replace_quiz_dict():
if level == "easy":
quiz_dict[level] = quiz_dict[level].split()
#start the quiz
def answering_quiz():
index = 0
failed = 0
right_answers = 0
wrong_answers = 0
for correct_answer in answer_dict[level]:
#they are now ansering the next blank
answering = 0
while answering == 0 and failed == 0:
#get user input for answer
answer = raw_input("please fill in the blank for item " + str(index + 1))
#change answer holder
answer_holders[index] = correct_answer
#execute quiz_dict
#if so see line 54, if not see line 64
if failed == 0 and answer == correct_answer:
print "correct!"
answering = 1
index += 1
right_answers += 1
if right_answers == 4:
print "winner winner chicken dinner. quiz is terminated"
print "baum baum baum baaaaauuuuummmmm...wrong answer..."
wrong_answers += 1
print "you have gotten " + str(wrong_answers) + " answers wrong. you have " + str(5 - wrong_answers) + " tries left."
if wrong_answers == 5:
print "game over"
failed = 1
answering = 1
print answering_quiz()
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