Save johnmcase/d31b799b9030327091a0e74880e4c530 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
rem see https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows/issues/300 | |
@echo off | |
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion | |
if [%1] == [] ( | |
echo Pass in the version you would like to install, or "latest" to install the latest npm version. | |
) else ( | |
set wanted_version=%1 | |
if "!wanted_version!" == "latest" ( | |
for /f %%i in ('npm show npm version') do set wanted_version=%%i | |
) | |
for /f %%i in ('npm -g -v') do set cur_version=%%i | |
if "!cur_version!" == "!wanted_version!" ( | |
echo Already on npm version !wanted_version!. | |
) else ( | |
echo Updating to !wanted_version!... | |
rename "!NVM_SYMLINK!\npm" npm2 | |
rename "!NVM_SYMLINK!\npm.cmd" npm2.cmd | |
rename "!NVM_SYMLINK!\node_modules\npm" npm2 | |
node "!NVM_SYMLINK!\node_modules\npm2\bin\npm-cli.js" i npm@!wanted_version! -g --force | |
for /f %%i in ('npm -g -v') do set new_version=%%i | |
echo New version installed is !new_version! | |
if "!new_version!" == "!wanted_version!" ( | |
echo Successfully updated to !wanted_version!. Cleaning up backups... | |
del "!NVM_SYMLINK!\npm2" | |
del "!NVM_SYMLINK!\npm2.cmd" | |
@RD /S /Q "!NVM_SYMLINK!\node_modules\npm2" | |
echo Update complete. | |
) else ( | |
echo Something went wrong. Rolling back. | |
if exist "!NVM_SYMLINK!\npm" ( | |
del "!NVM_SYMLINK!\npm" | |
) | |
if exist "!NVM_SYMLINK!\npm.cmd" ( | |
del "!NVM_SYMLINK!\npm.cmd" | |
) | |
if exist "!NVM_SYMLINK!\node_modules\npm" ( | |
@RD /S /Q "!NVM_SYMLINK!\node_modules\npm" | |
) | |
rename "!NVM_SYMLINK!\npm2" npm | |
rename "!NVM_SYMLINK!\npm2.cmd" npm.cmd | |
rename "!NVM_SYMLINK!\node_modules\npm2" npm | |
) | |
) | |
) |
In my case, my node is in D:\programe files
, and I add a line before set node_path
set PROGRAMFILES=D:\progra~1
set node_path=!PROGRAMFILES!\nodejs
btw, as I set the variable to "D:\programe files"
, the blank in the path will break the string.
This just saved me a ton of work. Thanks!
NodeJS doesn't have to be in !PROGRAMFILES!
In fact, you can put it anywhere where you have write-access when you don't have admin rights, you just need to add it to the path environment variable.
So here's how to properly find the node path:
- split path by ";"
- foreach folder in %path% => if folder contains "node" (case_insensitive) => node_path is this folder
- it node path not in %path%, assume !PROGRAMFILES!\nodejs
Proper way would be to search the registry as well, assuming there is any entry there (HKLM or HKCU if installed without admin rights)
@echo off
set node_path=!PROGRAMFILES!\nodejs
for %%A in ("%path:;=";"%") do (
REM echo "%%~A"
echo %%~A|find /i "node" >nul
if not errorlevel 1 (
set node_path=%%~A
echo "Node-Path: %node_path%"
Full script:
Works great, thank you!
i am getting this error, whether i run this script as admin or not:
Updating to 6.14.2...
npm ERR! code EEXIST
npm ERR! path C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js
npm ERR! dest C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.ps1
npm ERR! EEXIST: file already exists, cmd shim 'C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js' -> 'C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.ps1'
npm ERR! File exists: C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.ps1
npm ERR! Remove the existing file and try again, or run npm
npm ERR! with --force to overwrite files recklessly.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! C:\Users\mpoto\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache_logs\2020-03-16T11_48_11_629Z-debug.log
'npm' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
New version installed is
Something went wrong. Rolling back.
can someone tell me what is wrong? i checked the log file, but there is the same error inside
NodeJS doesn't have to be in !PROGRAMFILES!
In fact, you can put it anywhere where you have write-access when you don't have admin rights, you just need to add it to the path environment variable.
So here's how to properly find the node path:* split path by ";" * foreach folder in %path% => if folder contains "node" (case_insensitive) => node_path is this folder * it node path not in %path%, assume !PROGRAMFILES!\nodejs
Proper way would be to search the registry as well, assuming there is any entry there (HKLM or HKCU if installed without admin rights)
@echo off set node_path=!PROGRAMFILES!\nodejs for %%A in ("%path:;=";"%") do ( REM echo "%%~A" echo %%~A|find /i "node" >nul if not errorlevel 1 ( set node_path=%%~A ) ) echo "Node-Path: %node_path%"
Full script:
This was spot on! I use Laragon on WIndows and this worked a treat. thank you
node "!NVM_SYMLINK!\node_modules\npm2\bin\npm-cli.js" i npm@!wanted_version! -g --force
This line failed for me:
Error: Cannot find module 'C:\node_modules\npm2\bin\npm-cli.js'
But npm install -g npm@latest
worked afterwards
This is awesome! I did have to make one change however:
I originally had nvm-windows install versions of node to a second drive (
E:\Program Files\nodejs
rather thanC:\Program Files\nodejs
). This broke the usage ofPROGRAMFILES
on line 22. However, nvm-windows sets the install directory for node asNVM_SYMLINK
. This is the correct path regardless of what drive is used.Other than that, worked like a charm!
You can see my fix in the fork I made here: https://gist.github.com/pr1sm/240466ea9b3e8ad9daedbb8efb0f1b72