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Created January 15, 2014 13:54
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Save johnnncodes/8436644 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Using custom validation messages in Sails.js. Credits to: sfb_
* Takes a Sails Model object (e.g. User) and a ValidationError object and translates it into a friendly
* object for sending via JSON to client-side frameworks.
* To use add a new object on your model describing what validation errors should be translated:
* module.exports = {
* attributes: {
* name: {
* type: 'string',
* required: true
* }
* },
* validation_messages: {
* name: {
* required: 'you have to specify a name or else'
* }
* }
* };
* Then in your controller you could write something like this:
* var validator = require('sails-validator-tool');
* Mymodel.create(options).done(function(error, mymodel) {
* if(error) {
* if(error.ValidationError) {
* error_object = validator(Mymodel, error.Validation);
* res.send({result: false, errors: error_object});
* }
* }
* });
* @param model {Object} An instance of a Sails.JS model object.
* @param validationErrors {Object} A standard Sails.JS validation object.
* @returns {Object} An object with friendly validation error conversions.
module.exports = function(model, validationError) {
var validation_response = {};
var messages = model.validation_messages;
validation_fields = Object.keys(messages);
validation_fields.forEach(function(validation_field) {
if(validationError[validation_field]) {
var processField = validationError[validation_field];
processField.forEach(function(rule) {
if(messages[validation_field][rule.rule]) {
if(!(validation_response[validation_field] instanceof Array)) {
validation_response[validation_field] = new Array();
var newMessage={};
newMessage[rule.rule] = messages[validation_field][rule.rule];
return validation_response;
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Thanks @kai23. That was very helpful.

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jgod commented Sep 7, 2014

Elegant, thanks guys

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For sails v0.11.X you may use this sails-hook-validation

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