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Created June 26, 2012 17:44
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main.js for Jim
// script default location
baseUrl: 'scripts/app',
// shim in the libs that don't know define.amd (excluding extensions)
shim: {
'amplify': { deps: [], exports: 'amplify' },
// jquery 1.7.x understands define; no shim needed.
'jquery.ui': ['jquery'],
'json2': { exports: 'JSON' },
'knockout.wijmo': ['ko', 'jquery.wijmo'],
//'ko': { deps: ['jquery'], exports: 'ko' }, //ko 2.1 understands define; no shim needed
// moment understands define; no shim needed.
'sammy': { deps: ['jquery'], exports: 'Sammy' },
'toastr': { deps: ['jquery'], exports: 'toastr' },
'underscore': { deps: [], exports: '_' }
// List paths to js files that are not in the baseUrl.
// Could simplify for libraries that are conventionally named
// (which is all of them except jquery which identifies the version).
paths: {
'activity-indicator': '../lib/activity-indicator',
'amplify': '../lib/amplify.core',
'amplify.request': '../lib/amplify.request',
'': '../lib/',
'jquery': '../lib/jquery-1.7.2.min',
'jquery.mockjson': '../lib/jquery.mockjson',
'jquery.ui': '../lib/jquery-ui.min',
'jquery.wijmo': '../lib/jquery.wijmo-open.all.2.1.2.min',
'json2': '../lib/json2.min',
'infuser': '../lib/infuser-amd',
'knockout.changetracker': '../lib/knockout.changetracker-amd',
'knockout.wijmo': '../lib/knockout.wijmo',
'ko.validation': '../lib/knockout.validation',
'ko': '../lib/knockout-2.1.0',
'koExternalTemplateEngine': '../lib/koExternalTemplateEngine-amd',
'moment': '../lib/moment',
'sammy': '../lib/sammy',
'sammy.title': '../lib/sammy.title',
'toastr': '../lib/toastr',
'trafficcop': '../lib/TrafficCop-amd',
'underscore': '../lib/underscore.min'
// Require that pre-requisites be loaded immediately, before anything else
// ToDo: Pare back the ones that don't have plugins?
// 3rd party libraries
// use the parameterized signature if you want to confirm that dependencies are loaded with the debugger
// function (ko, json2, $, _, moment, Sammy, amplify, toastr) {
// debugger;
function (ko) {
// ensure KO is in the global namespace ('this')
if (!this.ko) {
this.ko = ko;
// Require that plugins be loaded, after the prerequisite libraries
// We load the plugins here and now so that we don't have to
// name them specifically in the modules that use them because
// we don't want those modules to know that they use plugins.
'activity-indicator', // jquery plugin
'sammy.title', // sammy plugin
'amplify.request', // amplify plugin
'', // amplify plugin
'jquery.mockjson', // jquery plugin
'jquery.activity-ex', // jquery plugin
'jquery.ui', // jquery plugin
'jquery.wijmo', // jquery plugin
'ko.utils', // Knockout custom utilities
'ko.bindingHandlers', // Knockout custom binding handlers
'ko.bindingHandlers.activity', // Knockout custom binding handlers
'ko.bindingHandlers.command', // Knockout custom binding handlers
'ko.asyncCommand', // Knockout custom asyncCommand
'knockout.wijmo', // Knockout wijmo binding handlers
'ko.validation', // Knockout validation
'debug.helpers' // our app's ko debugging plugin
// Plugins generally don't return module objects
// so there would be point in passing parameters to the function
function () {
// Start-up the app, now that all prerequisites are in place.
function (bs) {;
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adrienne commented Apr 7, 2013

Thanks for this, it helped me get Wijmo working with Require.js !

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