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Created October 6, 2020 00:06
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Avalanche Memos As Of 2020-10-05
(base) ❯ cat avm_transactions.json | jq '.[] | select(.memo!="" and .memo!="\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000") | .memo' | sort | uniq 2.7.1
"1 Auftrag Binance"
"10% Cédric"
"10% of 5040 (mainnet day 1 unlock)"
"10% of 5353"
"10% of 996.11"
"2234 AVAX"
"24 eylul 2020, mert tokgozoglu sahsi cuzdanindan binance cuzdanina"
"2nd deposit into AVAK"
"4750-1535=3215 remainder"
"485 unlocked tokens swap for 500 locked."
"6 eth worth from binance "
"A 1.5Yr"
"A blessing for the future"
"A, F and U"
"Abdullah Cesur"
"Alert system text"
"Avalanche 1000 First Validators"
"Avalanche Hub points"
"Avaxalert test"
"BaseTwo Binance"
"BaseTwo Discretionary"
"Be excellent to each other. Party on dude!"
"Binance AVAX Account"
"Binance deposit"
"Binance first transfer"
"Binance test transaction"
"Binance transaction"
"Bouh !?"
"Check 1,2"
"Chinga tu Madre"
"Chris first payment"
"Deposit # Initial unlocked "
"Facebook offer gift 1 for 3. Big Thank you."
"First "
"First Iris Deposit"
"First Tx"
"Fix wallet 0 balance!"
"Fluctuat nec mergitur"
"For 1 blue AVHAT."
"For my very first NFT on the Avalanche blockchain! Thanks!\n\nPS. Can't wait until somebody creates the Avalanche-based NFT marketplace (like Opensea) that pays royalties to creators. Soon as that happens I have a few I want to toss on there..."
"For testing ledger integration on mainnet"
"Forever love"
"From snowflake to Avalanche"
"From web wallet to full node"
"Godisgreat Sairam"
"Godisgreat Sairam"
"Happy Birthday!"
"Hello World"
"Hello World."
"Hello qsvtr :)"
"I hear moon cheese goes well with pickles..."
"ICO dan alinan"
"Initial Deposit"
"John Laya"
"Julien Sirtaine"
"Lillie needs a little available for transaction fees."
"Lucas - Complément du virement de Binance de 999.99"
"May this next year bring you happiness, health and success!"
"Node transfer"
"Ocar #2"
"Oops, sent the wrong amount the first time! Thanks for the hat!"
"Pour le tuto !"
"Second transfer to Binance"
"T OG"
"Tauby parts"
"Test binance"
"Test for avaxalert"
"Test return!"
"Thanks bro"
"Thanks for the hat ! <3"
"Thanks for the hat!"
"The Don"
"To binance"
"To inifinity and beyond!"
"To the moon my friend!"
"To the moon!"
"Transfer 1"
"Transfer 2/2"
"Wallet 2"
"Wallet AVA"
"Welcome to Avalanche! "
"Wow that was quick!"
"a me stesso"
"a me stesso\n"
"ahmet para"
"avaxalert test"
"binance 2"
"binance avax"
"binance avx"
"binance wallet"
"close gossip boring parade shadow example fiber enlist script brief frost glory achieve clay proof essence appear extra clip sentence scorpion butter lounge planet"
"first trx"
"for testing"
"for your trouble"
"from ico"
"from my ico"
"fuck you bro"
"gift to raphael"
"hade bagalim"
"half to XU TIAN YANG"
"hello avalanche! this is mert tokgozoglu!"
"hello world"
"here is some memo"
"hi brov"
"hi, SCAN!"
"hi, mom!"
"huo car"
"karatepeler, kandirdi bizi."
"le reste"
"let's do the validator running thing"
"lux sit\t"
"merci encore ;)"
"merci, pour ton travaille et continue de t'amuser. "
"niet op maken he lelijkerd...\nhij gaat naar de 1000"
"one small step for avax, a giant leap for mankind"
"pamp it"
"por la video"
"premier test"
"prova invio 0.1 avax orario 18.50\n"
"selamlar murat / turgut "
"sent to Binance for trading"
"small tx"
"steini er fag"
"stw binance avax"
"survey baby shift ceiling viable ozone arrive dawn lesson defense sentence garage time tell acquire aware magnet cube knock comfort cradle casino jealous lazy"
"te bup"
"te pup"
"test .1"
"test 1"
"test 2"
"test gift transaction"
"test integration"
"test ti bin"
"test tx speed & fee"
"testler için"
"tip bot to Nic"
"to binance"
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