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John Lynch johnthethird

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class Canine
VERSION = '1.3'
def initialize(&block)
@commands =
@default = @latest = :commands
@empty = nil
@auto = {
:commands => hash_command("commands","Show a list of commands", {
@commands.each { |cmd| c = cmd[1]
name = c[:name].to_s
IMPORTANT: Requires this version of jquery
until 1.3.3 comes out
ALSO: This is very dirty still and has not been
abstracted for use. It is just solving our immediate problems.
Use cases that must pass (and should be tested someday):
* Clicking on links updates layout
* Click around a bit and then use back/forward buttons
# ubuntu @ ec2 (canonical official ubuntu-images-us - I grabbed 64bit)
# then login as 'ubuntu' & start working - however this should be reproducable
# anywhere you have tip riak installed...
sudo perl -p -i -e 's/universe$/universe multiverse/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
Rails CMS alternatives
Note: project activity was checked on 11/26/09 for most of these projects, and the "last update" field has not been kept up to date since then.
Active projects:
Last update: 11/24/09
echo "Automated VPS Setup for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid) - Rails with Nginx"
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Set Hostname"
echo "------------"
echo "" | sudo tee /etc/hostname
johnthethird / cap_notify.rb
Created May 4, 2011 20:02 — forked from rtekie/cap_notify.rb
Capistrano deployment email notifier for Rails 3
Capistrano deployment email notifier for Rails 3
Do you need to send email notifications after application deployments?
Christopher Sexton developed a Simple Capistrano email notifier for rails. You can find details at
Here is Rails 3 port of the notifier.
The notifier sends an email after application deployment has been completed.
johnthethird / customdomain.rb
Created September 23, 2011 22:23 — forked from dwabnitz/customdomain.rb
rack middleware to resolve a custom domain to an original subdomain in a multi-tenant application
require 'net/dns/resolver'
# Custom Domain
# Require net-dns gem
# A Rack middleware to to resolve the custom domain to original subdomain
# for your multi telent application.
# It's all transperant to your application, it performs cname lookup and
# ActiveRecord's ConnectionPool in Rails 3.2.3 allows threads to 'steal'
# connections from each other, so some threads get starved out.
# This monkey patch uses an implementation from
# that ensures 'fair' queue in ConnectionPool.
# It's actually a weird hybrid which ALSO maintains the clear_stale_cached_connections!
# behavior to reclaim leaked orphaned connections, and calls that method
johnthethird / parallel_asset_compiler.rb
Created August 3, 2012 16:05 — forked from brentd/parallel_asset_compiler.rb
Parallelize assets:precompile
require 'parallel' # gem install parallel (
# Monkey patch to Sprockets::StaticCompiler, a class provided by actionpack
# that's used by the assets:precompile task. This patch uses the Parallel gem
# to parallelize asset compilation in the simplest way possible.
# Parallel wraps Process.fork to handle things like inter-process communication
# via pipes and determining the maximum number of processes to run based on
# your system's total logical processors. So far only tested on MRI 1.9.3 on OS X.
module Sprockets
johnthethird /
Created August 11, 2012 14:09 — forked from josephwecker/
Replace .bashrc, .bash_profile, .profile, etc. with something much more clean, consistent, and meaningful.
# License: Public Domain.
# Author: Joseph Wecker, 2012
# Are you tired of trying to remember what .bashrc does vs .bash_profile vs .profile?
# Are you tired of trying to remember how darwin/mac-osx treat them differently from linux?
# Are you tired of not having your ~/.bash* stuff work the way you expect?
# Symlink all of the following to this file:
# * ~/.bashrc