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John Lynch johnthethird

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CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION generate_sequential_uuid(p_interval_length int DEFAULT 60)
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
v_i int;
v_time bigint;
v_bytes int[16] = '{}';
v_hex text[16] = '{}';
mixja / Dockerfile
Last active September 17, 2019 11:06
Docker Health Check using Make
FROM nginx
HEALTHCHECK --interval=3s --retries=20 CMD curl -fs http://localhost:${HTTP_PORT:-8000}
andymatuschak /
Last active February 20, 2025 22:22
A composable pattern for pure state machines with effects (draft v3)

A composable pattern for pure state machines with effects

State machines are everywhere in interactive systems, but they're rarely defined clearly and explicitly. Given some big blob of code including implicit state machines, which transitions are possible and under what conditions? What effects take place on what transitions?

There are existing design patterns for state machines, but all the patterns I've seen complect side effects with the structure of the state machine itself. Instances of these patterns are difficult to test without mocking, and they end up with more dependencies. Worse, the classic patterns compose poorly: hierarchical state machines are typically not straightforward extensions. The functional programming world has solutions, but they don't transpose neatly enough to be broadly usable in mainstream languages.

Here I present a composable pattern for pure state machiness with effects,

reberhardt7 /
Created July 17, 2015 20:05
Github Issues Export: This script exports all issues from a repository, along with comments and events, into a JSON file. It also produces a Markdown file that can be used to easily view the issues.
This script uses Github's API V3 with Basic Authentication to export issues from
a repository. The script saves a json file with all of the information from the
API for issues, comments, and events (on the issues), downloads all of the
images attached to issues, and generates a markdown file that can be rendered
into a basic HTML page crudely mimicking Github's issue page. If the gfm module
is available, the script will go ahead and render it itself.
In the end, you'll be left with a folder containing a raw .json file (which you
can use to extract information for your needs, or to import it somewhere else),
friemen /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
Om for boring enterprise-style UIs
jandudulski / auth.rb
Last active September 14, 2022 12:09
CSRF on Grape
# based on
module Auth
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
helpers do
def session
(ns ical.core
[om.core :as om :include-macros true]
[om.dom :as dom :include-macros true]
[sablono.core :as html :refer-macros [html]]))
(def weekdays ["saturday" "monday" "tuesday" "wednesday" "thursday" "friday" "sunday"])
gcarrion-gfrmedia / 0000_packages.config
Created April 29, 2014 10:49
AWS Elastic Beanstalk Ruby 2.0/Puma Environment - .ebextensions tweaks and Sidekiq configuration. This is known to work fine with AWS Elastic Beanstalk 's 64bit Amazon Linux 2014.03 v1.0.1 running Ruby 2.0 (Puma) stack. Later stack versions might not work, but for that specific version works fine.
# Install Git needed for Git based gems
git: []
mateuszwenus / save_restore_dependencies.sql
Last active March 14, 2025 16:33
PostgreSQL: How to handle table and view dependencies
create table deps_saved_ddl
deps_id serial primary key,
deps_view_schema varchar(255),
deps_view_name varchar(255),
deps_ddl_to_run text
create or replace function deps_save_and_drop_dependencies(p_view_schema varchar, p_view_name varchar) returns void as

Easy CSS Ribbon with Sass

A Sass mixin which can customise CSS triangle shape and foreground / background colours.

A Pen by Peiwen Lu on CodePen.
