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Chief cook and bottle washer

John Cowan johnwcowan

Chief cook and bottle washer
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johnwcowan / medley-unicode-extensions
Last active August 19, 2022 00:27
Medley Unicode extensions
Layout of Surrogates Area:
1904 Plane 2 UnihanCore2020
1904 allocated
144 free
2048 total
Layout of Private Use Area:
944 Xerox private use chars (4 extra)
80 free
256 non-Unicode keysyms (7 extras)
2:13 PM <jcowan> "Ever since the great Kyros set up the Persian Empire, to wring all gold an silver has been the policy of the Persian kings.
2:14 PM <jcowan> And what became of this wealth? Was it spent on public works to ease the lot of their subjects? Nay; it was piled up in bags of coin and bars of metal in Sousa and Hagmatana and Parsa, or made into statues..
2:15 PM <jcowan> So, as precious metal became scarcer in the empire, business ran slower, for every man clutched what coins he had, not knowing when he would get his fingers on more.
2:16 PM <mangol> is circulation the fundamental problem here?
2:17 PM <jcowan> Now this vast treasure your Alexander seizes, and in an orgy of profusion spends it: leading armies to India, and paying his soldiers lavish bonuses, and ordering vast public works. Like the Tigris in spring, the stream of money in the Empire rises. Now every man spends his money quickly, lest itts value shrink while it lies in his wallet. So business thrives, and prices rise, and trader
2 0x0020 0x0020
2 0x0021 0x0021
3 0x0024 0x0024
3 0x0027 0x0027
2 0x002E 0x002E
2 0x22C1 0x0041 0x0332
2 0x22C2 0x0042 0x0332
2 0x22C3 0x0043 0x0332
2 0x22C4 0x0044 0x0332
2 0x22C5 0x0045 0x0332
# Name: XCCS (XC-3-1-1-0) to Unicode
# Unicode version: 12.0
# Table version: 0.1
# Table format: Format A
# Date: 6-Aug-2020
# Author: Ron Kaplan <[email protected]>
# John Cowan <[email protected]>
# This file contains mappings from the Xerox Character Code Standard (version
johnwcowan /
Last active February 10, 2025 20:11
XCCS 3.0 additions


This document is a rough specification of proposed additions to XCCS, the internal character set of Interlisp and various other Xerox products and the direct ancestor of Unicode. Since no one else is maintaining it, the Medley Project has taken over the effort. The initial objective here is to be able to make use of more modern fonts, for which we need full XCCS-to-Unicode mappings, and to be able to handle the most important characters required to write modern languages.

johnwcowan /
Last active June 1, 2021 21:48

Response to dpk's comments on R7RS-large dockets:

3. Orange

3.1 Random numbers

The idea of a crypto version of the library sounds fine; I don't think we need another SRFI for it, just a ballot question.

3.6 Linear adjustable strings

johnwcowan /
Last active August 22, 2022 18:10
FTP protocol for browsers

This document explains the subset of the FTP protocol as defined in RFC 959 which is required to browse FTP directories and download files accessible by FTP. Although there may still exist some conformant but unusual FTP servers around the Internet, this document is intended for accessing the great majority of existing servers hosted on Posix operating systems.


FTP URIs have the form,

johnwcowan / avsl-nutshell.txt
Last active February 16, 2025 12:04
AVSL (A Very {Simple|Small|Safe} Language) in a nutshell
Easy to learn and use by beginning programmers
Easy to relearn and use by "perpetual intermediate" programmers
Suitable for use as a front-end language (not in a browser)
Not infuriating to advanced programmers modulo syntax
Support a "professional" syntax
Case insensitive (except strings)
Everything should be as simple as possible but no simpler
High-level design choices:
johnwcowan /
Last active January 17, 2021 21:36
Dioscuri, a Gemini-adjacent protocol for interaction

This gist will be maintained, and supersedes all IRC and email description of Dioscuri.

Dioscuri, a Gemini-adjacent protocol for interaction

Dioscuri is a protocol intended to supplement Gemini for doing things like performing remote actions or running an application server. It is the POST to Gemini's GET. Dioscuri servers will run on a different port from Gemini servers, so that they do not interfere with each other; it will often be useful to run multiple servers on one host, so no fixed port is specified. The use of client certificates for authorization is strongly recommended, especially if requests are interpreted to affect server-side state.

The name "Dioscuri" is the Latin version of the Classical Greek name Διόσκουροι for the Heavenly Twins, Castor and Pollux/Polydeukes, who were called Gemini in Latin; the constellation is named after them. I say dee-OH-skoo-ree, but Greeks, classicists, and others should feel free to pronounce the name their way.

Great thanks to the members of [#gemini](ir

CYRANO (redescendant vers eux):
Mon récit ?. . .
(Tous rapprochent leurs escabeaux,
se groupent autour de lui, tendent le col. Christian
s'est mis à cheval sur une chaise):
Eh bien ! donc je marchais tout seul, à leur rencontre.
La lune, dans le ciel, luisait comme une montre,
Quand soudain, je ne sais quel soigneux horloger
S'étant mis à passer un coton nuager
Sur le boîtier d'argent de cette montre ronde,