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Created April 26, 2024 15:10
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port of demo hangman project to maps
(ns first-cloj.core)
(def list-of-words ["horse" "dog" "bird"])
(def init {:guesses [] :incorrect-guesses 0})
(def hang-vec
[" ______"
" | |"
" O |"
"/|\\ |"
" /\\ |"
" _____|"])
(defn print-hang-map [{:keys [incorrect-guesses] :as ctx}]
(println "[THE END IS NEAR]")
(let [lines (subvec hang-vec 0 (inc incorrect-guesses))]
(doseq [line lines]
(println line)))
(println "You have " (- 5 incorrect-guesses) " turns remaining"))
;prints the initial message upon running the program
(defn print-welcome-message []
(println "Welcome to [REDACTED]'s first clojure project, a hangman game.\n
Please enter your name to begin"))
;takes the user's name as input to pass in the print-message function
(defn newfunc []
(println "Enter your name I guess:")
(->> (read-line) (println "Your name is: ")))
(defn read-single-char []
(let [input (-> (read-line) .trim)]
(if (= (count input) 1)
(first input)
(println "Please enter only one character.")
(recur)))));somehow this isn't a standard function
(defn take-a-guess []
(println "what letter would you like to guess?")
(let [char (read-single-char)]
(defn game-over? [{:keys [hint target-word incorrect-guesses]}]
(or (= hint target-word)
(= incorrect-guesses 5)))
(defn add-guess [{:keys [target-word known guesses incorrect-guesses hint] :as ctx} letter]
(let [new-known (conj known letter)
new-hint (->> target-word
(map (fn [c] (get new-known c \_)))
(apply str))]
(assoc ctx :hint new-hint
:known new-known
:incorrect-guesses (if (= new-hint hint)
(inc incorrect-guesses)
:guesses (conj guesses letter))))
(defn guess-handling
[{:keys [incorrect-guesses] :as ctx} guessed-letter]
(let [nxt (add-guess ctx guessed-letter)]
(if (= (nxt :incorrect-guesses) incorrect-guesses)
(println "The guessed letter matches a letter in the word!")
(println "The guessed letter does not match any letter in the word."))
(print-hang-map nxt)
(defn handle-end-game [{:keys [hint target-word]}]
(if (= hint target-word)
(println "Congratulations! You've guessed the word correctly!")
(println "Sorry, you've run out of turns. The word was:" target-word)))
(defn turn-sequence
[{:keys [target-word hint guesses] :as ctx}]
(let [_ (println "This is the hint:" hint)
_ (println "Turns:" (count guesses))
nxt (guess-handling ctx (take-a-guess))]
(if (game-over? nxt)
(handle-end-game nxt)
(recur nxt))))
(defn run-game []
(let [word (nth list-of-words (rand-int 3))
ctx {:incorrect-guesses 0
:guesses []
:known #{}
:target-word word
:hint (apply str (repeat (count word) \_))}]
(turn-sequence ctx)))
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