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Last active March 2, 2025 04:50
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Save jojonas/8a49555f479030b358ec to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Love2d executable unpacker.
import argparse
import os, os.path
import zipfile
import io
def readui32(file):
bytes =
number = bytes[0]
number += bytes[1] << 8
number += bytes[2] << 16
number += bytes[3] << 24
return number
def skip2zip(file):
SIGNATURE = b'PK\x05\x06'
# retrieve the file size, 2)
filesize = file.tell()
# scan the last 65k (2^16) for the zip signature
signature_position = filesize
while signature_position > filesize - (2 << 16):, 0)
data =
if data == SIGNATURE:
signature_position -= 1
raise ValueError("Corrupted zip archive.")
# skip 8 bytes, 1)
# read size and offset of central directory
size = readui32(file)
offset = readui32(file)
# Calculate beginning of the zip file:
# There is a "central directory" with the size 'size' located at 'offset' (relative to the zip
# file). The signature is appended directly after the central directory. We have already found
# the signature start and know the size of the central directory, so we can calculate the
# beginning of the central directory via 'signature_position - size'. The result is the "real"
# offset inside the packed executable. The supposed offset inside the zip file is stored at
# 'offset', so we can calculate the beginning of the zip-file.
start = (signature_position - size) - offset
# seek to the beginning position, 0)
def unpack(executablename, unzipdestination=None, lovefilename=True):
with open(executablename, 'rb') as executable:
data =
if lovefilename:
with open(lovefilename, 'wb') as lovefile:
if unzipdestination:
if not os.path.isdir(unzipdestination):
zipdata = io.BytesIO(data)
with zipfile.ZipFile(zipdata, 'r') as zip:
if __name__=="__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Unpack a love game executable which has been " \
"fused by appending the .love file to a love binary. Choose one of two modes: either " \
"just separate the .love file from the binary, using the '--love' (or '-l') option, or " \
"extract the contained files into a directory specified with '--extract' (or '-x'). You " \
"can also specify both options.")
parser.add_argument('-x', '--extract', metavar="UNZIPDESTINATION", type=str, help="Unzip " \
"files to this folder (it will be created if it doesn't exist, otherwise the contents " \
"will be overwritten!)")
parser.add_argument('-l', '--love', metavar="LOVEFILE", type=str, help="Split off the .love " \
"file and save it to this file (it will be overwritten if it already exists!)")
parser.add_argument('executable', metavar="EXECUTABLE", type=str, help="The love game " \
"executable to unpack.")
args = parser.parse_args()
unpack(args.executable, unzipdestination=args.extract,
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Nice, thanks! Could I use this in a project?

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