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Last active November 16, 2023 10:49
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x = sessionInfo()
base_pkgs = x$basePkgs
other_pkgs = sapply(x$otherPkgs, function(x)x$Package)
loaded_pkgs = sapply(x$loadedOnly, function(x)x$Package)
db = reformat_db(installed.packages())
mat = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 3)
for(pkg in other_pkgs) {
mat = rbind(mat, db$package_dependencies(pkg, recursive = TRUE, which = "strong"))
mat = unique(mat)
mat = mat[!mat[, 1] %in% pkgndep:::BASE_PKGS | mat[, 2] %in% pkgndep:::BASE_PKGS, , drop = FALSE]
all_pkgs = c(other_pkgs, loaded_pkgs)
mat = mat[mat[, 1] %in% all_pkgs & mat[, 2] %in% all_pkgs, , drop = FALSE]
all_nodes = unique(c(mat[, 1], mat[, 2], other_pkgs, loaded_pkgs))
node_col = rep("black", length(all_nodes))
node_col[all_nodes %in% other_pkgs] = "red"
node_col[all_nodes %in% loaded_pkgs] = "blue"
nodes = qq(" \"@{all_nodes}\" [color=\"@{node_col}\"];", collapse = FALSE)
dep_col = c(2, 4, 3)
dep_col = rgb(t(col2rgb(dep_col)), max = 255)
names(dep_col) = c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo")
edges = qq(" \"@{mat[, 1]}\" -> \"@{mat[, 2]}\" [color=\"@{dep_col[mat[, 3]]}\"];", collapse = FALSE)
dot = paste(
c("digraph {",
" nodesep=0.05",
" rankdir=LR;",
" graph [overlap = true];",
" node[shape = box];",
collapse = "\n"
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