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Created July 15, 2024 14:48
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kanji-gpt main [!] ♥ ka 練 習
Words for kanji 練:
1094 2715 2717 練習 practice; training; drill; (an) exercise; workout
558 1836 1789 訓練 training; drill; practice; discipline
502 194 231 洗練 polish; refinement
216 169 229 熟練 skill; dexterity; proficiency
73 92 93 試練 test; trial; probation; ordeal; tribulation
36 34 39 練る to knead; to thicken into a paste (stirring over a flame); to polish (a plan, etc.); to refine; to train; to drill; to gloss (silk)
Words for kanji 習:
2406 4515 4858 学習 study; learning; tutorial
1094 2715 2717 練習 practice; training; drill; (an) exercise; workout
1395 881 1122 習慣 habit; (social) custom; practice; convention
327 1138 1441 講習 short course; training
31 49 63 習う to take lessons in; to be taught; to learn (from a teacher); to study (under a teacher); to get training in
17 9 15 見習う to follow another's example
## 1. 練
1. Discuss what meaning 練 contributes to each of these words:
- 練習 (practice; training; drill; (an) exercise; workout): In this context, 練 contributes the idea of "
training" or "exercising" something repeatedly to improve or master it.
- 訓練 (training; drill; practice; discipline): Here, 練 also implies "training" but in a more disciplined
and rigorous manner, often under guidance or instruction.
- 洗練 (polish; refinement): In this word, 練 suggests "refinement" through repeated effort, indicating a
process of making something more sophisticated or elegant.
- 熟練 (skill; dexterity; proficiency): In this case, 練 emphasizes the "skill" aspect, achieved through
repeated practice and experience.
2. Suggestions for keywords that would capture the essence of 練 in these words:
- Training
- Exercise
- Refinement
- Skill
## 2. 習
1. Discuss what meaning 習 contributes to each of these words:
- 学習 (study; learning; tutorial): 習 here means "learning" or "studying," often implying the acquisition of
knowledge or skills through practice.
- 練習 (practice; training; drill; (an) exercise; workout): In this context, 習 contributes the idea of "
practice" or "repetition" to master a skill or knowledge.
- 習慣 (habit; (social) custom; practice; convention): 習 in this word suggests "habit" or "custom,"
indicating something that is learned through repeated behavior.
- 講習 (short course; training): 習 here implies "learning" or "instruction," often in a formal or structured
2. Suggestions for keywords that would capture the essence of 習 in these words:
- Learning
- Practice
- Habit
- Instruction
## 3. Assigning distinct keywords
1. Explain how 練 and 習 differ in their nuance:
- 練 is more focused on the aspect of "training" or "refinement" through repeated effort. It emphasizes the
process of improving a skill or quality over time through practice.
- 習 is more about the act of "learning" or "practicing" something, often implying the acquisition of
knowledge or the formation of habits through repetition.
2. Help me choose a pair of distinct keywords for 練 and 習 (to remember them by) that encapsulate their
different meanings:
- 練 = Training: This keyword captures the essence of 練 as it relates to the process of improving or
refining skills through repeated effort.
- 習 = Learning: This keyword highlights the core meaning of 習, which is about acquiring knowledge or skills
through practice and repetition.
By using "Training" for 練 and "Learning" for 習, you can clearly distinguish between the nuances of these
two kanji, making it easier to remember their different applications and meanings.
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