I hereby claim:
- I am jonas on github.
- I am fonseca (https://keybase.io/fonseca) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASC_xqi-fdET_IP443BMbMCm38wXPHf4ksVYvh55i19_wAo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).dependsOn(sbtPlugins) | |
lazy val sbtPlugins = file("../sbt-plugins") |
package scala.scalanative.linker | |
import org.scalatest._ | |
import scalanative.nir.Global | |
class CollectionReachabilitySuite extends ReachabilitySuite { | |
val sources = Seq(""" | |
trait Collection[E] { | |
def isEmpty: Boolean | |
def size: Int |
import scalanative.native._, stdlib._, stdio._, string._ | |
import scalanative.runtime.bindgen._ | |
object Test { | |
import Bindgen._ | |
sealed trait Node | |
case class Function(name: String, returnType: String, args: List[Function.Arg]) extends Node | |
object Function { | |
case class Arg(name: String, tpe: String) |
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { | |
initOldVersionWarnings($); | |
}); | |
function initOldVersionWarnings($) { | |
$.get("//akka.io/versions.json", function (akkaVersionsData) { | |
var site = splitPath(); | |
console.log(site); | |
if (site.v === 'snapshot') { | |
console.log("Detected SNAPSHOT Akka version..."); |
diff --git i/akka-http-core/src/test/scala/akka/http/javadsl/JavaInitializationSpec.scala w/akka-http-core/src/test/scala/akka/http/javadsl/JavaInitializationSpec.scala | |
index da49fcdfaf..9107486305 100644 | |
--- i/akka-http-core/src/test/scala/akka/http/javadsl/JavaInitializationSpec.scala | |
+++ w/akka-http-core/src/test/scala/akka/http/javadsl/JavaInitializationSpec.scala | |
@@ -8,12 +8,21 @@ import org.scalatest.{ Matchers, WordSpec } | |
class JavaInitializationSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers { | |
+ implicit class HeaderCheck[T](self: T) { | |
+ def =!=(expected: String) = self.toString shouldBe expected |
"HAPROXY_0_BACKEND_HEAD": "backend {backend}\n balance roundrobin\n mode {mode}\n rspadd Access-Control-Allow-Origin:\\ *\n rspadd Access-Control-Allow-Methods:\\ GET,\\ POST,\\ PUT,\\ OPTIONS,\\ DELETE\n rspadd Access-Control-Allow-Headers:\\ Origin,\\ X-Requested-With,\\ Content-Type,\\ Accept,\\ Authorization\n" |
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit | |
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations._ | |
/** | |
* The following command will run the benchmarks with reasonable settings: | |
* | |
* > sbt "benchmark/jmh:run -i 10 -wi 10 -f 2 -t 1 StringConcatenationBenchmark" | |
*/ | |
@State(Scope.Thread) | |
@BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.Throughput)) |
lazy val deployProd = taskKey[Unit]("Deploy a job to prod") | |
lazy val deployQA = taskKey[Unit]("Deploy a job to qa") | |
lazy val jobConfig = settingKey[Config]("Job configuration") | |
// Environments endpoints are defined via Credentials where realm contains the env name. | |
val qa = Credentials(...) | |
val prod = Credentials(...) | |
// Task to fetch an existing JSON document, generate a new configuration | |
// using per-job overrides and then use the result to deploy a job. |
[alias] | |
prune-remotes = "!f() { for r in $(git remote); do git remote prune $r; done; }; f" | |
#prune-branches = "!f() { git prune-remotes; git branch --merged | sed -n 's/.*\\(version\\|bugfix\\|feature\\|jonas\\)/\\1/p' | xargs -n 1 git branch -d $b; }; f" | |
prune-branches = "!f() { git prune-remotes; git branch --merged | sed -n 's/[ *]*\\([a-z].*\\)/\\1/p' | grep -v master | xargs -n 1 git branch -d ; }; f" |