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Last active August 13, 2024 02:38
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Tesseract LSTM fine-tuning how-to
  1. Download lots of fonts (eg., .ttf files)
  2. git clone
  3. git clone
  4. Install Tesseract
  5. Generate training data:
    cd src
    python -m tesstrain \
      --langdata_dir /path/to/langdata_lstm \
      --linedata_only \
      --fonts_dir /path/to/fonts \
      --lang <yourlang> \
      --maxpages <N> \
      --save_box_tiff \
      --distort_image \
      --fontlist '<your font 1> <your font 2> ...' \
      --output_dir train1
  6. Split train/*.training_files.txt into two files *.training_files.txt and *.eval_files.txt (eg. 80 %, 20 % split)
  7. Create language .lstm file: combine_tessdata -e <yourlang>.traineddata /some/path/<yourlang>.lstm
  8. Train (eg. <N> = 1000):
    lstmtraining \
      --continue_from /some/path/<yourlang>.lstm \
      --model_output <your_new_model_name> \
      --traineddata /path/to/<yourlang>.traineddata \
      --train_listfile train/*.training_files.txt \
      --randomly_rotate \
      --max_iterations <N>
  9. Eval:
    lstmeval \
      --eval_listfile train/*.eval_files.txt \
      --traineddata /path/to/<yourlang>.traineddata \
      --model <your_new_model_name>_checkpoint
    BCER = Character error rate, BWER = Word error rate
  10. Loop 8. and 9. with increasing <N> until you are happy with the eval error rates.
  11. lstmtraining \
      --stop_training \
      --continue_from <your_new_model_name>checkpoint \
      --traineddata /path/to/<yourlang>.traineddata \
      --model_output <your_new_model_name>.traineddata
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