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Go to the Mirror Boy not your iPhone.

Jonathan David Moore jonathanlyonmoore

Go to the Mirror Boy not your iPhone.
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jonathanlyonmoore / ibmpc_1991-95.txt
Created July 1, 2021 13:15 — forked from rubenerd/ibmpc_1991-95.txt
IBM PC model numbers, 1991-95
Spring '91
IBM PS/1 models in the Spring 1991 product line:
2011-C01, M01, C34, M34, T35, U35, NEA
Fall '91
IBM PS/1 models in the Fall 1991 product line:
jonathanlyonmoore /
Created June 27, 2021 04:58 — forked from joshschmelzle/
How to Remove the Xbox Game Bar with Powershell on Windows 10

You've probably stumbled upon this researching how to remove the Xbox Game Bar. This gist includes a few different methods you can try. Please note that some of these first options are probably not be available unless you are running an older version of Windows 10.

Uninstalling/Removing the Game Bar (old Windows 10 build GUI options)

(this is no longer an option on any recent Windows 10 build)

  1. Press Windows Key or click on the Start menu.
  2. Start typing Xbox or Game Bar, until you get the Xbox Game Bar app to appear in the results.
  3. Right-click on the app and pick Uninstall. Answer Yes to the prompt, and wait for the process to finish.
jonathanlyonmoore /
Last active December 12, 2017 21:59
The Innocent Plea Of the Gifted

Dear Green party,

I believe in making life fair. I believe in contributing to society and getting credit in reurn not just in the world but credit in
acedemia. People should earn their right to mate. And use DNA or geneology to do it. Also I believe they should earn it be going to college and making decent grades. That should be enough to be successful in the world. Social Media has let people slip through the cracks. At the acedemic level and professionally. And letting the people who have put in the time be first no line jumping. Design is order not choas

More Later

jonathanlyonmoore / Games.txt
Last active November 22, 2017 20:10
My Games
Quake I, II, III
Sim City
Civitization IV
Civitization V Gods and KIngs
Civilazation: Beyond Earth
Final Fanasty Games
The Ledgend of Zelda Games
jonathanlyonmoore / originalscreenplay.txt
Created November 22, 2017 08:07
Original Screenplay
jonathanlyonmoore / BookAdaptations.txt
Last active November 22, 2017 15:06
25 Best Book Adaptations
Great Expectations (1946)
Wurthering Heights (1939)
jonathanlyonmoore / TV.txt
Last active November 22, 2017 08:24
TV Shows in my iTunes Media directory 150GB
.NET Show
Channel 9
Cosmos Carl Sagan
How The Universe Works
Planet Earth
The Universe
Through the Worm Hole
jonathanlyonmoore / Cannes.txt
Last active November 22, 2017 07:44
Cannes Film Festival Palme d'Or in my iTunes Media directory 100GB.
1978 The Tree Of Wooden Clogs
1979 Apocalypse Now
1980 Kagemusha
1981 Czlowiek z Zelaza
1982 Missing
1983 The Ballad of Narayama
1984 Paris Texas
1985 Otac Na Sluzbenom Putu [When Father Was Away On Business]
1986 The Mission
1987 Under The Sun Of Satan
jonathanlyonmoore / Movies.txt
Last active January 30, 2018 23:46
Academy Awards Best Picture in My iTunes Media Directory in MP4, AVI and MKV formats. 290 GB
1978 Annie Hall
1979 The Deer Hunter
1980 Kramer vs Kramer
1981 Ordinary People
1982 Chariots of Fire
1983 Ghandi
1984 Terms of Endearment
1985 Amadeus
1986 Out of Afica
1987 Platoon