Dear Green Party,
Over the past 4 years after becoming a UVa Alumni I have been used by large corporations and not been paid. With tangable "cash" in my banking account. I have been shot at all because I wanted to plant a tree that had a long life span. I called 911 one time and nobody showed. I also had to go to the ER over my stomach, waited nine hours before finally having to treat myself and leaving. I was also taken to court for giving a woman a flower. The past nine years online and on social media in public have been like the Vietnam war too me both domestic and foreign. There are too many spy apps all because of President Obama. One cannot concentrate. I have been studying game theory and came to the conclusion that our "great" society is zero sum. There is always conflict. Nodoby wants to to thier job anymore. I went to college for software engineering not fast food. Does an engineer always have to think of everyone else's job? I really don't believe consulting and social media is a job because of