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Last active March 1, 2025 13:14
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Best possible answers collected so far for [Regex golf]( === WARNING: SPOILERS ===

See Also:


Level Score Regex Credit
Warmup 207 foo
Anchors 208 k$
Ranges 202 ^[a-f]*$
Backrefs 201 (...).*\1 gorhill (HN)
Abba 195 ^(?!.*(.)\1)|ef BeniaminK (GH)
A man, a plan 177 ^(.)[^p].*\1$ hyp0 (HN)
Prime 286 ^(?!(..+)\1+$) josephlord (HN)
Four 199 (.)(.\1){3} chrismorgan (HN) / MereInterest (HN)
Order 199 ^.{5}[^e]?$ ekke (HN)
Triples 596 00($|3|6|9|12|15)|4.2|.1.+4|55|.17 alexandrosm (GH)
Glob 397 ai|c$|^p|[bcnrw][bnopr] nwellnhof (HN)
Balance 454 .{37}|^(<(..(?!<.>$))*>)*$ Davidebyzero (GH)
Powers 93 ^(?!(.(..)+)\1*$) plby (GH)
Long count 256 ((.+)0\2+1){8} Davidebyzero (GH)
Alphabetical 317 .r.{32}r|a.{10}te|n.n.. alexandrosm (GH)
Powers 2 88 ^(?!((xxx)+x|xx|)\1*$) muxrwc (GH)
Total 4075
Subtraction 180 ^(.+)(.+) - \1 = \2$ jonathanmorley (GH)
Typist 181 ^[adresbtcfxzgvw]+$ jonathanmorley (GH)

Hard Mode

Level Score Regex Credit
Warmup 207 foo
Anchors 206 ick$ Davidebyzero (GH)
Ranges 202 ^[a-f]*$
Backrefs 201 (...).*\1 gorhill (HN)
Abba 193 ^(?!.*(.)(.)\2\1) chingjun (HN) / josephlord (HN)
A man, a plan 150 ^(.?)(.?)(.?)(.?)(.?)(.?).?\6\5\4\3\2\1$ jonathanmorley (GH)
Prime 284 ^(?!(xx+)\1+$)xx Davidebyzero (GH)
Four 199 (.)(.\1){3} chrismorgan (HN) / MereInterest (HN)
Order 156 ^a*b*c*d*e*f*g*h*i*j*k*l*m*n*o*p*q*r*s*t*u*v*w*x*y*z*$ Davidebyzero (GH)
Triples 524 (?=((.*?[147]){3})*((.*?[147]|){2}))(?=((.*?[258]){3})*((.*?[258]|){2}))^.*$(\3\7|(?!\3|\7)\4\8|(?!\4|\8)) teukon (GH)
Glob 297 ai|c$|^p|[bcnrw][bnopr] nwellnhof (HN)
Balance 443 ^(<(<(<(<(<(<(<>)*>)*>)*>)*>)*>)*>)*$ gkucmierz (GH)
Powers 93 ^(?!(.(..)+)\1*$) plby (GH)
Long count 239 ^((?=(\S*)0).{4} (?=\2[1]))+1+$ Davidebyzero (GH)
Alphabetical 282 ^(?!.*\b(.*)(e|(n|r|(s|t))).* \1(a|(?!\3)[en]|(?!\4)[rs])) teukon (GH)
Powers 2 -12 ^(?!((xxx)+x|xx|)\1*$) muxrwc (GH)
Total 3664
Subtraction 180 ^(.+)(.+) - \1 = \2$ jonathanmorley (GH)
Typist 180 ^[adresbtcfxzgvwq]+$ jonathanmorley (GH)
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For the new "Power 2"
^(.|...|.{9}|(.{27})+)$ gives 87
^(.|(...)+)$ (non-perfect) gives 88

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Abba: ^(?!.*(.)\1)|ef gives 195

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muxrwc commented Sep 18, 2014

Power 2 : 88


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would be interesting to have the best scores for hard mode too

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Balance 336 points
Matches add but also matches some of the others sides.

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Is Balance input updated?
443 points

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Powers 2(hard mode): ^(?!((xxx)+(x|xx)|xx|)\1*$)
83 points

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Typist 189 points

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altoo commented Mar 19, 2015

Powers 2(hard mod): ^(?!((xxx)+xx?|xx|)\1*$)
86 points

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Addition 165 points

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I can't figure out how you're supposed to cancel formatting inline; any pointers?

Glob (336 - hard)

^(.*)(\*?)(.*)(\*?)(.*)(\*?)(.*) .* \1((?!\2).+|\2)\3((?!\4).+|\4)\5((?!\6).+|\6)\7$

Powers 2 (86 - hard)


It seems like


should work, but it doesn't match anything and I can't figure out why.

Note: the following are obsoleted by, so I won't bother reporting any more solutions, but I'll leave these here anyways since they represent solutions I developed myself or tweaks/optimizations I made to others' solutions.

Subtraction (182 - both)

^(.*)(.*)- \2= \1$

Addition (167 - both)

^(.*)(.+) .(.+)(.*) =\3\1 . \2\4$


^(.+)(.*) .(.*)(.+) =\3\1 . \2\4$


^(.+)(.*) .(.+)(.*) =\3\1 . \2\4$


^(.+)(.*) .(.+)(.+) =\3\1 . \2\4$

Or if you're boring, you can just do this 👅

^(.*)(.*) .(.*)(.*) =\3\1 . \2\4$

Anyway (168 - normal; 68 - hard)


This works for normal mode, but fails the extended cases for hard. I feel like I'm missing something obvious here.

Tic-tac-toe (142 - normal; 42 - hard)


This doesn't match "OXX OX. XO.", but that doesn't look like a won/winnable tic-tac-toe game.

Edit: My current totals, after reading through a lot of comments, are: default levels: 4075 (normal), 3801 (hard); bonus levels: 1736 (normal), 1731 (hard). As far as I can tell, these are the best possible scores given currently known regexes.

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Abba's max is 196:

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zogwarg commented Jun 24, 2015

Anyway (191 - HARD) based on @Dinoguy1000:

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Typist in normal (185): ^[a-grstvwxz]+$

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Powers 2 (87 - hard):

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zeshanlb commented Jan 8, 2016

Tic-tac-toe (N:153) : XXX|OOO|X...X...X|O...O...O|X..X..X|X....X....X
Tic-tac-toe (H:133) : XXX|OOO|X...X...X|O...O...O|X..X..X|O..O..O|X....X....X|O....O....O

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Based on @zeshanlb's last answer
Tic-tac-toe (N:156) : XXX|OOO|([OX])...\1...\1|X..X..X|X....X....X
Tic-tac-toe (H:142) : XXX|OOO|([XO])...\1...\1|X..X..X|O..O..O|([XO])(....\2){2}

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Powers 2 (86) ^(?!((xxx)+xx?|xx)\1*$). Hard mode.

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Correct Powers 2: ^(?!(|xx|xx?(xxx)+)\1*$) 86
Tic-tac-toe: ([OX])\1\1|([OX])..\2..\2|([OX])...\3...\3|([OX])....\4....\4 139 Hard mode
Addition: ^(.*)(.*).(.*)(.*) .\3\2. \1\4$ Both 169

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Excuse me, but whoever got 180 points on Typist, can't I just use a few ranges to improve that? ^[a-gq-tvwxz]+$
(sings while looking at keyboard) A, B, C, D, E, F, G. H, I, J, K, LMNOP. Q, R, S. T, U, V. W, X, Y, Z.
Sorry. I just had to tell you that you could get five more points. 😄 👍

EDIT: You had 180, not 181. Sorry.

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The-Snide-Sniper commented May 8, 2016

Glob - Hard (341): ^(.*)(?=.*( .* \1))(\2|\*(.*)(\2.+\4|\*(.*)(\2.+\4.+\6|\*(.*)\2.+\4.+\6.+\8)))$
Long Count - Hard (245): ^((\d*)01* (?=\2(1)))*1*$
Powers 2 - Hard (76): x{16385}|^(?!(xx(xx)?(xxx)*)\1*$)x
Subtraction - Normal, Subtraction - Hard (182): ^(.+)(.+)- \2= \1
Typist - Normal, Typist - Hard (189): ^[^h-puy]*$

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micsthepick commented Jun 7, 2016

No-one thought of these yet?
Tic-tac-toe: (Hard or robust) (168) (X|O)(\1|..(\1|.\1.|..\1..)..)\1
Powers 2: (Hard/robust) (89) ^((x+)\2(?=\2$)|x$)+$

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teukon commented Sep 9, 2016

Addition (robust) (177): ^(.*)(.*)(.*) = \3\2\1$ (credit to Davidebyzero)
Tic-tac-toe (robust) (169): (\w)(\1|..(\1|.\1.|..\1..)..)\1 (nice work micsthepick!)

Each of the bonus problems can be done with fewer than 40 characters. Most can be done using no more than 30 characters.

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eromoe commented Apr 19, 2017

Any idea about this ?

It never ends – $ not allowed

Match all of these…
and none of these…

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For It never ends - $ not allowed:

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tmzh commented May 19, 2017

A man, a plan: ^(.)(.).*\2\1$

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depperm commented Jul 27, 2017

Abba: ^(?!(.)+\1)|.u

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I've updated Best known Regex Golf solutions. The current Classic level set is fully covered. It's now in table format, including full credits and date-time stamps, a history of gradual improvements for most of the levels, and some extra bonus information.

I have intentionally not updated the Teukon level set solutions compilation, nor posted one for Holiday, as with the release of functioning high score lists in the newly brought back Regex Golf site, to do so would further taint the high scores with people who simply Google it and copy the solutions. This is not an ideal situation by any means, as I'd really like for everyone to be able to benefit from this knowledge if they so desire, but given the way the on-site high score lists currently function, I see no alternative. Having date-time stamps in the on-site high score lists would be a good start towards fixing this problem.

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Subtraction ^(x+)(.+)- \2= \1$, no full space

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New level: It never ends – $ not allowed
3 chars: u\b

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