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Last active August 7, 2022 14:24
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So You Think You Know Astro Quiz

So You Think You Know Astro

Ahoy, me celestial companions of coding! It be me, your humble gentlenaut of fortune, Cosmo, at ye service.

( An’ perhaps to some snooty static site scallywags an Ex-Sailor of the Astro Expanse... )

So, y’ think ye know Astro, do ye? Aye, then consider this cosmic challenge from ye ol’ quainty matey, Cosmo.

I will asks my riddles. Ye will gives ye answers.

But be warned! This be a quiz only for those who claim or wish to be experts in the syntax of Astro.

( An' then any all else who 'as too much time on their 'ands... )

What Does That Tag Do?

The Lowercase X

const x = 'b'
  • A.: <x>hi</x>
  • B.: <b>hi</b>
  • C.: <x>hix>
  • D.: It throws.

The Uppercase X

const X = 'b'
  • A.: <X>hi</X>
  • B.: <b>hi</b>
  • C.: <X>hiX>
  • D.: It throws.

The X Object

const X = { Y: 'b' }
  • A.: <X.Y>hi</X.Y>
  • B.: <b>hi</b>
  • C.: <X.Y>hiX.Y>
  • D.: It throws.

The JavaScript Underscore

const _ = 'b'
  • A.: <_>hi</_>
  • B.: <b>hi</b>
  • C.: <_>test_>
  • D.: It throws.

The JavaScript Dollar

const $ = 'b'
  • A.: <$>hi</$>
  • B.: <b>hi</b>
  • C.: <$>hi$>
  • D.: It throws.

The Dollar Object

const $ = { Y: 'b' }
  • A.: <$.Y>hi</$.Y>
  • B.: <b>hi</b>
  • C.: <$.Y>hi$.Y>
  • D.: It throws.

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What Does That Attribute Do?

The Aria-Hidden Attribute

<b aria-hidden>hi</b>
  • A.: <b aria-hidden>hi</b>
  • B.: <b aria-hidden=true>hi</b>
  • C.: <b aria-hidden="true">hi</b>
  • D.: It throws.

The Aria-Hidden Attribute ala Component

// ../components/Bold.astro
<b {...Astro.props}><slot /></b>
import Bold from '../components/Bold.astro'
<Bold aria-hidden>hi</Bold>
  • A.: <b aria-hidden>hi</b>
  • B.: <b aria-hidden="true">hi</b>
  • C.: <b aria-hidden=true>hi</b>
  • D.: It throws.

The Aria-Hidden Boolean Attribute

<b aria-hidden={true}>hi</b>
  • A.: <b aria-hidden>hi</b>
  • B.: <b aria-hidden="true">hi</b>
  • C.: <b aria-hidden=true>hi</b>
  • D.: It throws.

The Aria-Hidden Boolean Attribute ala Component

// ../components/Bold.astro
<b {...Astro.props}><slot /></b>
import Bold from '../components/Bold.astro'
<Bold aria-hidden={true}>hi</Bold>
  • A.: <b aria-hidden>hi</b>
  • B.: <b aria-hidden="true">hi</b>
  • C.: <b aria-hidden=true>hi</b>
  • D.: It throws.

The Aria-Hidden Boolean False Attribute

<b aria-hidden={false}>hi</b>
  • A.: <b>hi</b>
  • B.: <b aria-hidden="false">hi</b>
  • C.: <b aria-hidden=false>hi</b>
  • D.: It throws.

The Aria-Hidden Boolean False Attribute ala Component

// ../components/Bold.astro
<b {...Astro.props}><slot /></b>
import Bold from '../components/Bold.astro'
<Bold aria-hidden={false}>hi</Bold>
  • A.: <b>hi</b>
  • B.: <b aria-hidden="false">hi</b>
  • C.: <b aria-hidden=false>hi</b>
  • D.: It throws.

The Aria-Hidden Empty String Attribute

<b aria-hidden="">hi</b>
  • A.: <b aria-hidden>hi</b>
  • B.: <b aria-hidden="">hi</b>
  • C.: <b aria-hidden="true">hi</b>
  • D.: <b aria-hidden=true>hi</b>
  • E.: It throws.

The Aria-Hidden Empty String ala Component

// ../components/Bold.astro
<b {...Astro.props}><slot /></b>
import Bold from '../components/Bold.astro'
<Bold aria-hidden="">hi</Bold>
  • A.: <b aria-hidden>hi</b>
  • B.: <b aria-hidden="">hi</b>
  • C.: <b aria-hidden="true">hi</b>
  • D.: <b aria-hidden=true>hi</b>
  • E.: It throws.

The Single Quote Quoted Attribute

<b quote='"oh"'>hi</b>
  • A.: <b quote='"oh"'>hi</b>
  • B.: <b quote="'oh'">hi</b>
  • C.: <b quote='&quot;oh&quot;'>hi</b>
  • D.: <b quote='&#34;oh&#34;'>hi</b>
  • E.: It throws.

The Double Quote Quoted Attribute

<b quote="'oh'">hi</b>
  • A.: <b quote='"oh"'>hi</b>
  • B.: <b quote="'oh'">hi</b>
  • C.: <b quote='&apos;oh&apos;'>hi</b>
  • D.: <b quote='&#34;oh&#34;'>hi</b>
  • E.: It throws.

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What Does That Attribute Expression Do?

The Cool Variable

const cool = 'cool'
<b {cool}>hi</b>
  • A.: <b {cool}>hi</b>
  • B.: <b cool="cool">hi</b>
  • C.: <b cool="[string String]">hi</b>
  • D.: It throws.

The Cool Object

const cool = { be: 'cool' }
<b {cool}>hi</b>
  • A.: <b {cool}>hi</b>
  • B.: <b cool="{&#34;be&#34;:&#34;cool&#34;}">hi</b>
  • C.: <b cool="[object Object]">hi</b>
  • D.: It throws.

The Cool Object with a JSON To-String

const cool = {
  be: 'cool',
  toString() {
    return JSON.stringify(this)
<b {cool}>hi</b>
  • A.: <b {cool}>hi</b>
  • B.: <b cool="{&#34;be&#34;:&#34;cool&#34;}">hi</b>
  • C.: <b cool="[object Object]">hi</b>
  • D.: It throws.

The Cool Object with a Custom To-String

const cool = {
  be: 'cool',
  toString() {
    return 'be="excellent" to="each other"'
<b {cool}>hi</b>
  • A.: <b {cool}>hi</b>
  • B.: <b cool="{&quot;be&quot;:&quot;cool&quot;}">hi</b>
  • C.: <b cool="{&#34;be&#34;:&#34;cool&#34;}">hi</b>
  • D.: <b cool="be=&quot;excellent&quot; to=&quot;each other&quot;">hi</b>
  • E.: <b cool="be=&#34;excellent&#34; to=&#34;each other&#34;">hi</b>
  • F.: <b be="excellent" to="each other">hi</b>
  • G.: <b cool="[object Object]">hi</b>
  • H.: It throws.

The Cool Function

const cool = () => 'runnings'
<b {cool}>hi</b>
  • A.: <b {cool}>hi</b>
  • B.: <b cool="runnings">hi</b>
  • C.: <b cool="() => &quot;runnings&quot;">hi</b>
  • D.: <b cool="() => &#34;runnings&#34;">hi</b>
  • E.: <b cool="[function Function]">hi</b>
  • F.: It throws.

The Cool Running Function

const cool = () => 'cool=cool'
<b {cool()}>hi</b>
  • A.: <b {cool()}>hi</b>
  • B.: <b cool="cool">hi</b>
  • C.: <b cool="cool=cool">hi</b>
  • D.: <b cool="cool=&quot;cool&quot;">hi</b>
  • E.: <b cool="cool=&#34;cool&#34;">hi</b>
  • F.: <b cool()="cool">hi</b>
  • G.: <b cool()="cool=cool">hi</b>
  • H.: <b cool()="&quot;cool&quot;">hi</b>
  • I.: <b cool()="&#34;cool&#34;">hi</b>
  • J.: <b cool="[function Function]">hi</b>
  • K.: It throws.

Cantankerous Cosmo’s Too Cool Combo

const cool = () => ({
  cool: 'cool',
  toString() {
    return 'cool=cool'
<b {cool()}>hi</b>
  • A.: <b {cool()}>hi</b>
  • B.: <b cool="cool">hi</b>
  • C.: <b cool="cool=cool">hi</b>
  • D.: <b cool="cool=&quot;cool&quot;">hi</b>
  • E.: <b cool="cool=&#34;cool&#34;">hi</b>
  • F.: <b cool()="cool">hi</b>
  • G.: <b cool()="cool=cool">hi</b>
  • H.: <b cool()="&quot;cool&quot;">hi</b>
  • I.: <b cool()="&#34;cool&#34;">hi</b>
  • J.: <b cool="[function Function]">hi</b>
  • K.: It throws.

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