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Last active November 26, 2020 17:12
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Using JSON with MySQL Stored Procedures
delimiter $$
drop procedure if exists county_summary$$
create procedure county_summary(query JSON)
DECLARE i_county varchar(255) default null;
DECLARE i_year int default null;
DECLARE i_month int default null;
set i_county = JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(query,'$.county'));
set i_year = JSON_EXTRACT(query,'$.year');
set i_month = JSON_EXTRACT(query,'$.month');
if (i_county is not null) && (i_year is not null) && (i_month is not null) then
select county, year,month, sum(total_price) as total_price, sum(houses_sold) as houses_sold
from summary
where county = i_county and year = i_year and month=i_month
group by county;
elseif (i_county is not null) && (i_year is not null) then
select county, year, sum(total_price) as total_price, sum(houses_sold) as houses_sold
from summary
where year = i_year
and county = i_county
group by county, year;
elseif (i_year is not null) && (i_month is not null) then
select county, year, month, sum(total_price) as total_price, sum(houses_sold) as houses_sold
from summary
where year = i_year and month = i_month
group by county;
elseif (i_year is not null) then
select county, year, sum(total_price) as total_price, sum(houses_sold) as houses_sold
from summary
where year = i_year
group by county;
select null as 'no input';
end if;
END $$
delimiter ;
-- Testing
call county_summary('{"year": 2010}');
call county_summary('{"county":"YORK","year": 2010,"month":12}');
call county_summary('{"county":"YORK","year": 2010}');
call county_summary('{"year": 2010,"month":12}');
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