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Created February 10, 2011 19:35
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PayFlow Paypal Pro Payment Processing PHP Class
try {
require_once dirname(__file__).'/payflow.php';
$txn = new PayflowTransaction();
//these are provided by your payflow reseller
$txn->PARTNER = '';
$txn->USER = '';
$txn->PWD= '';
$txn->VENDOR = $txn->USER; //or your vendor name
// transaction information
$txn->ACCT = BRequest::getVar('card_number',''); //cc number
$txn->AMT = BRequest::getVar('amount','25.00'); //amount: 1 dollar
$txn->EXPDATE = BRequest::getVar('exp_mo','').BRequest::getVar('exp_day',''); //'0210'; //4 digit expiration date
$txn->FIRSTNAME = 'Joe';
$txn->LASTNAME = 'Junior Shabadu';
$txn->STREET = '123 mystreet';
$txn->CITY = 'Philadelphia';
$txn->STATE = 'PA';
$txn->ZIP = '19115';
$txn->COUNTRY = 'US';
$txn->TRXTYPE = 'S'; //txn type: sale
$txn->TENDER = 'C'; //sets to a cc transaction
//$this->environment = 'live';
//$txn->debug = true; //uncomment to see debugging information
//$txn->avs_addr_required = 1; //set to 1 to enable AVS address checking, 2 to force "Y" response
//$txn->avs_zip_required = 1; //set to 1 to enable AVS zip code checking, 2 to force "Y" response
//$txn->cvv2_required = 1; //set to 1 to enable cvv2 checking, 2 to force "Y" response
//$txn->fraud_protection = true; //uncomment to enable fraud protection
echo '<pre>';
echo "success: " . $txn->txn_successful;
echo "response was: " . print_r( $txn->response_arr, true );
echo '</pre>';
catch( TransactionDataException $tde ) {
echo 'bad transaction data ' . $tde->getMessage();
catch( InvalidCredentialsException $e ) {
echo 'Invalid credentials';
catch( InvalidResponseCodeException $irc ) {
echo 'bad response code: ' . $irc->getMessage();
catch( AVSException $avse ) {
echo 'AVS error: ' . $avse->getMessage();
catch( CVV2Exception $cvve ) {
echo 'CVV2 error: ' . $cvve->getMessage();
catch( FraudProtectionException $fpe ) {
echo 'Fraud Protection error: ' . $fpe->getMessage();
catch( Exception $e ) {
echo $e->getMessage();
class PayFlowTransaction {
const HTTP_RESPONSE_OK = 200;
const KEY_MAP_ARRAY = 'map';
public $data;
public $headers = array();
public $gateway_retries = 3;
public $gateway_retry_wait = 5; //seconds
public $environment = 'test';
public $vps_timeout = 45;
public $curl_timeout = 90;
public $gateway_url_live = '';
public $gateway_url_devel = ''; //
public $avs_addr_required = 0;
public $avs_zip_required = 0;
public $cvv2_required = 0;
public $fraud_protection = false;
public $raw_response;
//public $response;
public $response_arr = array();
public $txn_successful = null;
public $raw_result;
public $debug = false;
public function __construct() {
public function load_config() {
if ( defined('PAYFLOWPRO_USER') ) {
$this->data['USER'] = constant('PAYFLOWPRO_USER');
if ( defined('PAYFLOWPRO_PWD') ) {
$this->data['PWD'] = constant('PAYFLOWPRO_PWD');
if ( defined('PAYFLOWPRO_PARTNER') ) {
$this->data['PARTNER'] = constant('PAYFLOWPRO_PARTNER');
if ( defined('PAYFLOWPRO_VENDOR') ) {
$this->data['VENDOR'] = constant('PAYFLOWPRO_VENDOR');
else {
if ( isset($this->data['USER']) ) {
$this->data['VENDOR'] = $this->data['USER'];
else {
$this->data['VENDOR'] = null;
public function __set( $key, $val ) {
$this->data[$key] = $val;
public function __get( $key ) {
if ( isset($this->data[$key]) ) {
return $this->data[$key];
return null;
public function get_gateway_url() {
if ( strtolower($this->environment) == 'live' ) {
return $this->gateway_url_live;
else {
return $this->gateway_url_devel;
public function get_data_string() {
$query = array();
if ( !isset($this->data['VENDOR']) || !$this->data['VENDOR'] ) {
$this->data['VENDOR'] = $this->data['USER'];
foreach ( $this->data as $key => $value) {
if ( $this->debug ) {
echo "{$key} = {$value}
$query[] = strtoupper($key) . '[' .strlen($value).']='.$value;
return implode('&', $query);
public function before_send_transaction() {
$this->txn_successful = false;
$this->raw_response = null; //reset raw result
$this->response_arr = array();
public function reset() {
$this->txn_successful = null;
$this->raw_response = null; //reset raw result
$this->response_arr = array();
$this->data = array();
public function send_transaction() {
try {
$data_string = $this->get_data_string();
$headers[] = "Content-Type: text/namevalue"; //or text/xml if using XMLPay.
$headers[] = "Content-Length: " . strlen ($data_string); // Length of data to be passed
$headers[] = "X-VPS-Timeout: {$this->vps_timeout}";
$headers[] = "X-VPS-Request-ID:" . uniqid(rand(), true);
$headers[] = "X-VPS-VIT-Client-Type: PHP/cURL"; // What you are using
$headers = array_merge( $headers, $this->headers );
if ( $this->debug ) {
echo __METHOD__ . ' Sending: ' . $data_string . '
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->get_gateway_url() );
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); // tells curl to include headers in response
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // return into a variable
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 90); // times out after 90 secs
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); // this line makes it work under https
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string); //adding POST data
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2); //verifies ssl certificate
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE, TRUE); //forces closure of connection when done
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); //data sent as POST
$i = 0;
while ($i++ <= $this->gateway_retries) {
$result = curl_exec($ch);
$headers = curl_getinfo($ch);
if (array_key_exists('http_code', $headers) && $headers['http_code'] != self::HTTP_RESPONSE_OK) {
sleep($this->gateway_retry_wait); // Let's wait to see if its a temporary network issue.
else {
// we got a good response, drop out of loop.
if ( !array_key_exists('http_code', $headers) || $headers['http_code'] != self::HTTP_RESPONSE_OK ) {
throw new InvalidResponseCodeException;
$this->raw_response = $result;
$result = strstr($result, "RESULT");
$ret = array();
while( strlen($result) > 0 ){
$keypos = strpos($result,'=');
$keyval = substr($result,0,$keypos);
// value
$valuepos = strpos($result,'&') ? strpos($result,'&'): strlen($result);
$valval = substr($result,$keypos+1,$valuepos-$keypos-1);
// decoding the respose
$ret[$keyval] = $valval;
$result = substr($result, $valuepos+1, strlen($result) );
return $ret;
catch( Exception $e ) {
throw $e;
public function response_handler( $response_arr ) {
try {
$result_code = $response_arr['RESULT']; // get the result code to validate.
if ( $this->debug ) {
echo __METHOD__ . ' response=' . print_r( $response_arr, true) . '
echo __METHOD__ . ' RESULT=' . $result_code . '
if ( $result_code == 0 ) {
// Even on zero, still check AVS
if ( $this->avs_addr_required ) {
$err_msg = "Your billing (street) information does not match.";
if ( isset($response_arr['AVSADDR'])) {
if ($response_arr['AVSADDR'] != "Y") {
throw new AVSException( $err_msg );
else {
if ( $this->avs_addr_required == 2 ) {
throw new AVSException( $err_msg );
if ( $this->avs_zip_required ) {
$err_msg = "Your billing (zip) information does not match. Please re-enter.";
if (isset($nvpArray['AVSZIP'])) {
if ($nvpArray['AVSZIP'] != "Y") {
throw new AVSException( $err_msg );
else {
if ( $this->avs_zip_required == 2 ) {
throw new AVSException( $err_msg );
if ( $this->require_cvv2_match ) {
$err_msg = "Your card code is invalid. Please re-enter.";
if ( array_key_exists('CVV2MATCH', $response_arr) ) {
if ($response_arr['CVV2MATCH'] != "Y") {
throw new CVV2Exception( $err_msg );
else {
if ( $this->require_cvv2_match == 2 ) {
throw new CVV2Exception( $err_msg );
// Return code was 0 and no AVS exceptions raised
$this->txn_successful = true;
parse_str($this->raw_response, $this->response_arr);
return $this->response_arr;
else if ($result_code == 1 || $result_code == 26) {
throw new InvalidCredentialsException( "Invalid API Credentials" );
else if ($result_code == 12) {
// Hard decline from bank.
throw new TransactionDataException( "Your transaction was declined." );
else if ($result_code == 13) {
// Voice authorization required.
throw new TransactionDataException ("Your Transaction is pending. Contact Customer Service to complete your order.");
else if ($result_code == 23 || $result_code == 24) {
// Issue with credit card number or expiration date.
$msg = 'Invalid credit card information: ' . $response_arr['RESPMSG'];
throw new TransactionDataException ($msg);
// Using the Fraud Protection Service.
// This portion of code would be is you are using the Fraud Protection Service, this is for US merchants only.
if ( $this->fraud_protection ) {
if ($result_code == 125) {
// 125 = Fraud Filters set to Decline.
throw new FraudProtectionException ( "Your Transaction has been declined. Contact Customer Service to place your order." );
else if ($result_code == 126) {
throw new FraudProtectionException ( "Your Transaction is Under Review. We will notify you via e-mail if accepted." );
else if ($result_code == 127) {
throw new FraudProtectionException ( "Your Transaction is Under Review. We will notify you via e-mail if accepted." );
// Throw generic response
throw new FuseException( $response_arr['RESPMSG'] );
catch( Exception $e ) {
throw $e;
public function process() {
try {
return $this->response_handler($this->send_transaction());
catch( Exception $e ) {
throw $e;
public function apply_associative_array( $arr, $options = array() ) {
try {
$map_array = array();
if ( isset($options[self::KEY_MAP_ARRAY]) ) {
$map_array = $options[self::KEY_MAP_ARRAY];
foreach( $arr as $cur_key => $val ) {
if( isset($map_array[$cur_key]) ) {
$cur_key = $map_array[$cur_key];
else {
if ( isset($options['require_map']) && $options['require_map'] ) {
$this->data[strtoupper($cur_key)] = $val;
catch( Exception $e ) {
throw $e;
class InvalidCredentialsException extends Exception {
class GatewayException extends Exception {
class InvalidResponseCodeException extends GatewayException {
class TransactionDataException extends Exception {
class AVSException extends TransactionDataException {
class CVV2Exception extends TransactionDataException {
class FraudProtectionException extends Exception {
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mzosm commented Nov 6, 2012

in this example i always get this error "Invalid credentials", when i print the result of curl request i get "RESULT=26&RESPMSG=Invalid vendor account"

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IamAlta commented Sep 30, 2018

Missing payflow.php file. It's in the include of example.php. What is it? Do you mean Payflow-paypal-pro.php ?

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