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Created June 25, 2019 14:41
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Tests for json MyLA config
"/* Required to set this with some value": "*/",
"/* Run the code here to generate": "*/",
"DJANGO_SECRET_KEY": "<Generate Secret Key>",
"/* Set the Timezone for the container (must rebuild if changed)": "*/",
"TZ": "America/Detroit",
"/* CSV List of hosts allowed, no spaces in between commas": "*/",
"/* ID for your Google Analytics, defaults to nothing/disabled": "*/",
"GA_ID": "",
"/* Any logs that django outputs, turn these off for production": "*/",
"DJANGO_DEBUG": "true",
"/* Any other logs": "*/",
"/* How long to cache some URL's on the client (Defualt 3600 seconds)": "*/",
"/* CLIENT_CACHE_TIME=3600": "*/",
"/* MySQL Configuration": "*/",
"/* Mysql Django Engine name": "*/",
"MYSQL_ENGINE": "django.db.backends.mysql",
"/* Local database name": "*/",
"MYSQL_DATABASE": "student_dashboard",
"/* Local database user": "*/",
"MYSQL_USER": "student_dashboard_user",
"/* Local database password": "*/",
"MYSQL_PASSWORD": "student_dashboard_pw",
"/* Local database host": "*/",
"MYSQL_HOST": "student_dashboard_mysql",
"/* Local database port": "*/",
"MYSQL_PORT": "3306",
"/* Local database root password (optional)": "*/",
"MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD": "student_dashboard_root_pw",
"/* Default Canvas Data id increment for course id, user id, etc": "*/",
"CANVAS_DATA_ID_INCREMENT": "17700000000000000",
"/* Canvas Configuration": "*/",
"/* strings for construct file download url": "*/",
"CANVAS_FILE_POSTFIX": "/download?download_frd=1",
"/* Paths to special login credentials (uses SAML)": "*/",
"GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS": "/secrets/bq_cred.json",
"/* ed_app field to look for in Big Query store": "*/",
"/* LTI Configuration": "*/",
"/* LTI is disabled by default": "*/",
"/* list LTI consumers as per": "*/",
"/* ex: PYLTI_CONFIG_CONSUMERS={ \"LTI_CONSUMER_KEY_1\": { \"secret\": \"LTI_CONSUMER_SECRET_1\" } }": "*/",
"/* SAML Configuration": "*/",
"/* Need to set this to false to turn it off for dev, but default is true": "*/",
"/* Where your local secrets are stored": "*/",
"SAML2_FILES_BASE": "/secrets/saml/",
"/* Location of remote metadata for SAML": "*/",
"/* Local location of pem file that goes with the metadata": "*/",
"/* Base for Django to your accounts path": "*/",
"DJANGO_SAML2_URL_BASE": "http://localhost:5001/accounts/",
"/* ACS Redirect": "*/",
"DJANGO_ACS_DEFAULT_REDIRECT": "http://localhost:5001/",
"/* Login Redirect (If SAML enabled)": "*/",
"LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL": "http://localhost:5001/",
"/* Logout redirect (If SAML enabled)": "*/",
"LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL": "http://localhost:5001/",
"/* Optional token value to be used for token based authentication": "*/",
"/* A single default IDP to use if multiple are present in the SAML metadata (Get from Metadata)": "*/",
"/* Earliest term date from database that we'll show and support academic terms from (default is 2016-11-15 which the first date of 'our' data)": "*/",
"/* ": "*/",
"/* All of these settings go together and need to be enabled for cron job": "*/",
"/* Uncomment all of these to run the cron": "*/",
"/* set this to be true on OpenShift pod for running cron job.": "*/",
"/* RUN_AT_TIMES and CRONTAB_SCHEDULE have no affect otherwise.": "*/",
"IS_CRON_POD": "False",
"/* Time to run cron CSV separated times in HH:MM format.": "*/",
"/* An example is 02:00,04:00 to run at 2AM and 4AM": "*/",
"/* Time to run system cron": "*/",
"/* An example to match the above would be 0 2,4 * * *": "*/",
"/* This should run as frequently or more frequently than RUN_AT_TIMES": "*/",
"/* Use to validate your schedule": "*/",
"/* How many values to pass to big query at a time in one run. This is configurable as I don't know what a max safe value is.": "*/",
"/* CRON_BQ_IN_LIMIT=20": "*/",
"/* Change this to set the max default weeks to allow. Default is currently 16. The issue is the end dates in Canvas currently are set 10 years out so it can't calculate the range.": "*/",
"/* MAX_DEFAULT_WEEKS=16": "*/",
"/* Enable Visual Studio Debugging Support (Default False)": "*/",
"/* You must also configure the following options": "*/",
"PTVSD_ENABLE": "False",
"/* Port to run PTVSD on": "*/",
"/* Address to listen for PTVSD on": "*/",
"/* Whether or not to wait for ptvsd to attach before continuing (Default False)": "*/",
"/* Control course view options globally": "*/",
"/* Current possible values are a CSV list of any/none/all of show_files_accessed, show_assignment_planning, show_grade_distribution": "*/",
"/* By default this is empty and no views are disabled": "*/",
"/* Data Warehouse configuration": "*/",
"/* Uncomment these variables and fill them in if you're using cron to load": "*/",
"/* from a data warehouse. These are optional": "*/",
"/* Database engine driver": "*/",
"DATA_WAREHOUSE_ENGINE": "django.db.backends.postgresql",
"/* database name": "*/",
"/* database user": "*/",
"/* database password": "*/",
"/* database host": "*/",
"/* database port": "*/",
"/* DATA_WAREHOUSE_PORT=5432": "*/",
"/* Enable/Disable Unizin Date Warehouse specific features/data": "*/",
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