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Last active February 28, 2022 21:05
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class Verse:
def create(bottles):
return {
0: UltimateVerse(),
1: PenultimateVerse()
}.get(bottles, Verse(bottles))
def __init__(self, bottles):
self.bottles = bottles
def sing(self):
return (
f"{self.bottlesOfBeer()} on the wall, {self.bottlesOfBeer()}. " +
f"{self._passOne()}, {self._next()} on the wall.")
def bottlesOfBeer(self):
return f"{self.bottles} bottles of beer"
def _passOne(self):
return "Take one down, pass it around"
def _next(self):
return Verse.create(self.bottles - 1).bottlesOfBeer()
class PenultimateVerse(Verse):
def __init__(self):
self.bottles = 1
def bottlesOfBeer(self):
return "1 bottle of beer"
class UltimateVerse(Verse):
def __init__(self):
self.bottles = 0
def bottlesOfBeer(self):
return "No bottles of beer"
def _passOne(self):
return "There are no more to pass around"
def _next(self):
return self.bottlesOfBeer()
class Song:
def sing(self):
return "\n".join(
map(lambda b: self.__verse(b), range(self.bottles, -1, -1)))
def __init__(self, bottles):
self.bottles = bottles
def __verse(self, bottles):
return Verse.create(bottles).sing()
# Testing
class Test:
def __init__(self, expected, actual):
self.expected = expected
self.actual = actual
def run(self):
if self.actual == self.expected:
self.__red("FAIL: " + self.__class__.__name__)
raise Exception("FAIL")
def __red(self, message):
print("\033[91m {}\033[00m".format(message))
def __green(self, message):
print("\033[92m {}\033[00m".format(message))
__verses = {
"2 bottles of beer on the wall, 2 bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around, 1 bottle of beer on the wall.",
"1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer. Take one down, pass it around, No bottles of beer on the wall.",
"No bottles of beer on the wall, No bottles of beer. There are no more to pass around, No bottles of beer on the wall."
def lyrics(*verseNumbers):
return "\n".join(map(lambda i: __verses[i], verseNumbers))
class Given0_SingsTheLastRound(Test):
def __init__(self):
self.expected = lyrics(0)
self.actual = Song(0).sing()
class Given1_SingsVerseOneAndTheLastRound(Test):
def __init__(self):
self.expected = lyrics(1, 0)
self.actual = Song(1).sing()
class Given2_SingsThreeVerses(Test):
def __init__(self):
self.expected = lyrics(2, 1, 0)
self.actual = Song(2).sing()
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