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Last active December 5, 2023 08:31
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Quick way to create, query and remove relations between list items
~ relate(Key, MadeOf, Copper)
~ relate((Padlock, Spear), MadeOf, Iron)
~ relate(GoldCoin, MadeOf, Gold)
VAR Inventory = ()
- (top)
* [Pick up the {whatIs(Key, MadeOf)} key ]
~ Inventory += Key
* [ Pick up the {whatIs(Padlock, MadeOf)} padlock]
~ Inventory += Padlock
* [ Pick up the {whatIs(Spear, MadeOf)} spear ]
~ Inventory += Spear
* [ Pick up the {whatIs(GoldCoin, MadeOf)} coin]
~ Inventory += GoldCoin
- You're now carrying: {Inventory}.
+ [ Review gold ]
~ temp goldItems = whatIs(MadeOf, Gold) ^ Inventory
You have {goldItems:{goldItems}|nothing} made of gold.
+ [ Review iron ]
~ temp ironItems = whatIs(MadeOf, Iron) ^ Inventory
You have {ironItems:{ironItems}|nothing} made of iron.
+ [ List metals ]
You have items made of {whatIs(Inventory, MadeOf) }.
- -> top
Game data
LIST Items = Key, Padlock, GoldCoin, Spear
LIST Metals = Copper , Gold , Iron
LIST Relations = MadeOf
// Tell ink which lists each relation links
=== function relationDatabase(rel, lhs)
{ rel:
- MadeOf:
{ lhs:
~ return Items
- else:
~ return Metals
Standard utils
=== function ITEM_IS_MEMBER_OF_LIST(k, list)
~ return k && LIST_ALL(list) ? k
=== function pop(ref list)
~ temp x = LIST_MIN(list)
~ list -= x
~ return x
Relation API
=== function validate(x1, x2, rel)
{ x1 && not ITEM_IS_MEMBER_OF_LIST(x1, relationDatabase(rel, true)):
[ ERROR: {x1} not a valid lhs for {rel} ]
~ return false
{ x2 && not ITEM_IS_MEMBER_OF_LIST(x2, relationDatabase(rel, false)):
[ ERROR: {x2} not a valid rhs for {rel} ]
~ return false
~ return true
=== function relate(x1, rel, x2)
{ not validate(x1, x2, rel):
~ return ()
~ _relate(x1, x2, rel)
=== function unrelate(x1, rel, x2)
{ validate(x1, x2, rel):
// rebuild the whole pair string
~ pairstore = _rebuildPairStringExcept(LIST_ALL(Relations), x1, x2, rel)
=== function whatIs(a1, a2)
- ITEM_IS_MEMBER_OF_LIST(a2, Relations):
~ return getRelatesTo(a1, a2)
- ITEM_IS_MEMBER_OF_LIST(a1, Relations):
~ return getRelatedFrom(a2, a1)
- else:
[ ERROR: whatIs needs a relation!
=== function getRelatesTo(x1, rel)
{ not validate(x1, (), rel):
~ return ()
~ temp searchSpace = LIST_ALL(relationDatabase(rel, false))
~ return _getMatchedPairs(x1, searchSpace, rel, false)
=== function getRelatedFrom(x2, rel)
{ not validate((), x2, rel):
~ return ()
~ temp searchSpace = LIST_ALL(relationDatabase(rel, true))
~ return _getMatchedPairs(searchSpace, x2, rel, true)
=== function isRelated(x1, x2, rel)
{ validate(x1, x2, rel):
{LIST_COUNT(x1) > 1 || LIST_COUNT(x2) > 1:
[ERROR: Testing relation {rel} on non-unary lists {x1} and {x2} ]
~ return false
~ return _isRelated(x1, x2, rel)
Internal datastore functions
VAR pairstore = ""
=== function _isRelated(x1, x2, rel)
~ temp relString = _pairString(x1, x2, rel)
~ return pairstore ? relString
=== function _getMatchedPairs(list1, list2, rel, getLhs)
~ temp ret = ()
{ LIST_COUNT(list1):
- 0: ~ return ()
- 1: ~ temp el2 = pop(list2)
{ el2:
{ _isRelated(list1, el2, rel):
{ getLhs:
~ ret = list1
- else:
~ ret = el2
~ return ret + _getMatchedPairs(list1, list2, rel, getLhs)
~ return ()
- else:
~ temp el1 = pop(list1)
~ return _getMatchedPairs(el1, list2, rel, getLhs) + _getMatchedPairs(list1, list2, rel, getLhs)
=== function _pairString(x1, x2, rel)
~ return ":{x1}>{rel}>{x2};"
=== function _relate(list1, list2, rel)
{ LIST_COUNT(list1):
- 0: ~ return
- 1: ~ temp el2 = pop(list2)
{ el2:
{ not _isRelated(list1, el2, rel):
~ pairstore += _pairString(list1, el2, rel)
~ return _relate(list1, list2, rel)
~ return ()
- else:
~ temp el1 = pop(list1)
~ return _relate(el1, list2, rel) + _relate(list1, list2, rel)
=== function _rebuildPairStringExcept(allRels, x1, x2, rel)
~ temp relEl = pop (allRels)
- not relEl:
~ return ""
- relEl == rel:
~ return _validPairsIn(LIST_ALL(relationDatabase(rel, true)), LIST_ALL(relationDatabase(rel, false)), relEl, x1, x2) + _rebuildPairStringExcept(allRels, x1, x2, rel)
- else:
~ return _validPairsIn(LIST_ALL(relationDatabase(relEl, true)), LIST_ALL(relationDatabase(relEl, false)), relEl, (), ()) + _rebuildPairStringExcept(allRels, x1, x2, rel)
=== function _validPairsIn(list1, list2, rel, not1, not2)
~ temp ret = ""
{ LIST_COUNT(list1):
- 0: ~ return ()
- 1: ~ temp el2 = pop(list2)
{ el2:
{ _isRelated(list1, el2, rel) && not (not1 ? list1 && not2 ? el2):
~ ret = _pairString(list1, el2, rel)
~ return ret + _validPairsIn(list1, list2, rel, not1, not2)
~ return ""
- else:
~ temp el1 = pop(list1)
~ return _validPairsIn(el1, list2, rel, not1, not2) + _validPairsIn(list1, list2, rel, not1, not2)
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