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Created September 22, 2009 20:16
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script that I made to simplify the openssl process of taking a pem from FirstData and creating a p12
@echo off
cd C:\OpenSSL\bin
:: inputting store number
set sStoreNumber=
set /P sStoreNumber=Store #: %=%
if "%sStoreNumber%"=="" goto inputStoreNumber
:: inputting store password
set sPassword=
set /P sPassword=Password: %=%
if "%sPassword%"=="" goto inputPassword
echo Your input was
echo Store #: %sStoreNumber%
echo Password: %sPassword%
@echo on
:: executing ssl command
openssl pkcs12 -export -passout pass:"%sPassword%" -in c:\%sStoreNumber%.pem -out c:\%sStoreNumber%.p12 -name "%sStoreNumber%"
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