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Windows to UNIX Command Cheat Sheet

Windows to UNIX Command Cheat Sheet

Windows PowerShell has several transition aliases that allow UNIX and CMD users to use familiar command names in Windows PowerShell. The most common aliases are shown in the table below, along with the Windows PowerShell command behind the alias and the standard Windows PowerShell alias if one exists.

CMD Command UNIX Command PowerShell Command PowerShell Alias
dir ls Get-ChildItem gci
cls clear Clear-Host (function) cls
del, erase, rmdir rm Remove-Item ri
copy cp Copy-Item ci
move mv Move-Item mi
rename mv Rename-Item rni
type cat Get-Content gc
cd cd Set-Location sl
md mkdir New-Item ni
pushd pushd Push-Location pushd
popd popd Pop-Location popd

Source: Compatibility Aliases

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m11nh commented Mar 15, 2020


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