"For us code is our poetry and its our privilege to make it beautiful and readable.”
- The basic indentation is two spaces.
- Try to keep lines to 80 characters or less
javascript var result = prompt(message, initialValue, caption);
- Lines should not contain trailing spaces.
- Spaces after commas and semicolons, but not before.
- Separate binary operators with spaces.
- Spaces after keywords, e.g.,
if (x > 0)
- Most importantly: variables are names and functions contains a verb.
- Use interCaps for names and enumeration values; other constants should be in UPPER_CASE.
- Try to declare local variables as near to their use as possible; try to initialize every variable.
- Multiple variables declaration of the same type:
var a = 'foo',
b = 'bar',
c = 'foobar';
- File & Folder Naming Conventions
Type Convention Description
==== ========== ===========
Files file_list_view.js All word should be in small letter, use _ as a
file_list_tpl.html delimiter between words.
Variables/Functions fileObject, Write variables and functions in Camel Case.
Constants MAX_UPLOAD_LIMIT Constants in capital letter
Public vars/funcs addUserDetails() In a module if we write public variables/functions like
this helps the user to understand its safe to consume
the functionality.
Private vars/funcs _addUserDetails() Putting underscore to the variable/functions in
module help the user who going to implement the
module to under stand this method is a private
and make no sense in implementation outside the
Modules/Constructor FileListView Write module/constructor names in Pascal Case.
Braces must always be in the same line of the function definition.
function toOpenWindow(window) {
function valueObject(value) { return { value: value }; }
if (window) {
} else {
window = new Window();
Always put else on its own line, as shown above and don't use else after return, i.e.,
if (x < y) { return -1; }
if (x > y) { return 1; }
return 0;
- for loop
for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { // the code block to be executed }
- while loop
while (i < 10) { // the code block to be executed }
return {
shouts : "Barbeque Time"
Commenting a Variable or Logic block
/* Retrieving user details for authentication. */
UserModel.findOne({ email : attributes.email }, "_id name email password token", function(err, user) {
// ...
Wrap the comment line with in 80~85 words like.
/* File Descriptor represents the vital information about the file like
name, type, size and also have the file object. */
_fileDescriptor : {},
/* Method to add file descriptor to file list.
* @param string name
* @param string type
* @param int size
* @param object file
* @param boolean safe :its not a mandatory field, unless not in secure mode.
* @return array
function _addFileDescriptor(name, type, size, file, safe) {
// ...
return fileList;
/* Module to handle the file list rendering and broadcasting
* events regarding the view. This module is tailor made to
* support FileView.
* @module FileListView
define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'fileview'],
function($, _, Backbone, FileView) {
var FileListView = Backbone.View.extend({
// .......................
return FileListView;