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Created July 13, 2015 06:02
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package main
import (
type ErrorA struct {}
func (e *ErrorA) Error() string { return "error a" }
type ErrorB struct {}
func (e ErrorB) Error() string { return "error b" }
func GetError() error {
now := time.Now().UnixNano()
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(now))
if r.Int() % 2 == 0 {
return &ErrorA{}
} else {
return ErrorB{}
func ErrorSwitch() {
err := GetError();
switch err.(type) {
case nil:
fmt.Println("No error")
case ErrorB:
fmt.Println("error type b")
case *ErrorA:
fmt.Println("error type a")
case error:
fmt.Println("generic error")
func main() {
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