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Last active October 1, 2015 17:27
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package main
import (
Simple API for aggregating large sets of data that are cached in application memory.
Each shard corresponds to one day's worth of data.
type DayShard [][1*24]int
var Database []DayShard
var DatabaseCreated = false
type HourBucket struct {
Day int
Hour int
Value int
func createDatabase(days int, objects int) []DayShard {
shards := make([]DayShard, days)
for index, _ := range shards {
shards[index] = make([][1*24]int, objects)
// create individual time series for
for i, _ := range shards[index] {
for j := 0; j < 1*24; j++ {
shards[index][i][j] = int(5e5)
return shards
func fetchTimeSeriesShard(day int, objects int, output chan HourBucket) {
// each shard consists of 24 1-hour buckets
results := make([]int, 24)
shard := Database[day]
// can split this based upon the number of objects in question
for i:=0; i<objects; i++ {
// we know that each individual objects' time series has 7*36 entries in the day
for hour, value := range shard[i] {
results[hour] += value
hourBucket := HourBucket{Day: day}
for i := 0; i < 24; i++ {
hourBucket.Hour = i
hourBucket.Value = results[i]
output <- hourBucket
func fetchTimeSeries(days int, objects int) * map[string]int {
resultChannel := make(chan HourBucket)
results := make(map[string]int)
// for now, shard by day :)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
defer wg.Wait()
for shardIndex:=0; shardIndex < days; shardIndex++ {
go func(index int) {
defer wg.Done()
fetchTimeSeriesShard(index, objects, resultChannel)
// listen for changes and update the `results` map
go func() {
for {
hourBucket, ok := <- resultChannel
if !ok {
results[fmt.Sprintf("%d::%d", hourBucket.Day, hourBucket.Hour)] = hourBucket.Value
return &results
func benchmarkPerfN(b *testing.B, days int, objects int) {
if !DatabaseCreated {
Database = createDatabase(365, int(1e5))
DatabaseCreated = true
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
createDatabase(days, objects)
//func BenchmarkPerf1e3Day(b *testing.B) { benchmarkPerfN(b, 1, int(1e3)) }
//func BenchmarkPerf1e4Day(b *testing.B) { benchmarkPerfN(b, 1, int(1e6)) }
//func BenchmarkPerf1e5Day(b *testing.B) { benchmarkPerfN(b, 1, int(1e5)) }
func BenchmarkPerf1e3(b *testing.B) { benchmarkPerfN(b, 365, int(1e3)) }
func BenchmarkPerf1e4(b *testing.B) { benchmarkPerfN(b, 365, int(1e4)) }
func BenchmarkPerf1e5(b *testing.B) { benchmarkPerfN(b, 365, int(1e5)) }
func main() {
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