I often find myself needing to write tests against incomplete data. This is particularly useful when using generators like FactoryBoy or Model Bakery that create random fake values.
I have often looked around for a way to easily test partial data matching for complex responses. But never found anything.
So I am making a python library for loosely matching things in python for use in testing.
It is kind of used like this:
list_1 = ['x', 'y', 5]
list_matcher = ['x', MatchType(String | None), 5]
assert Matcher.matches(list_1, list_matcher)
dict_1 = {'x': 1,
'y': 2,
'z': {
'foo': ['a', 'b', 'c'],
'bar': [20, None, '8888'] }}
dict_matcher = {'x': 1,
'y': MatchFunc(lambda var: var>0 and var<=10),
'z': {
'foo': MatchType(List[String]),
'bar': MatchType(Any) }}
assert Matcher.matches(dict_1, dict_matcher)
class Car:
make: str
model: str
year: int
obj_1 = Car('Prius', 'V', 2014)
obj_matcher = Car('Prius', 'V', MatchType(Integer))
assert Matcher.matches(obj_1, obj_matcher)