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Forked from gjuggler/color.column.R
Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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# color.column - color the columns of a table for LaTeX output.
# Takes an xtable object and a column name as input, and returns the
# xtable with the chosen column stringified and prepended with color
# values using the \cellcolor command from the xcolor package. For an
# easy copy-paste into a LaTeX document, use xtable's print function
# with the following parameter to preserve the \cellcolor command:
# "sanitize.text.function=function(x){x}". I also like to add
# "include.rownames=F". Here's a worked example:
# data(iris)
# xt <- xtable(iris[1:10,])
# xt.clr <- color.column(xt, 'Sepal.Length', low=rgb(1,1,1), high='red')
# print(xt.clr, include.rownames=F, sanitize.text.function=function(x){x})
# # Prints a table with rows like: \cellcolor[HTML]{FF8E8E}5.10 & 3.50 & 1.40 & 0.20 & setosa \\
# Within your LaTeX preamble, be sure to add the xcolor package with a
# 'table' argument and you're good to go:
# \usepackage[table]{xcolor}
color.column <- function(xt, column, limits=range(xt[, column], na.rm=T), low='white', high='blue') {
## Make sure the colorspace library is loaded to convert rgb to hex.
color.f <- colorRamp(c(low, high))
vals <- xt[, column]
## Rescale the values from (limits[1], limits[2]) to (0, 1)
vals <- (vals - limits[1])/diff(limits) * diff(c(0,1)) + 0
## Clip values outside the desired range.
vals <- ifelse(!is.finite(vals) | vals %in% c(0,1), vals, NA)
clrs <- color.f(vals)
clr.string <- hex(RGB(clrs/255))
clr.string <- substring(clr.string, 2) # Remove the hash prefix.
indx <- which(colnames(xt) == column)
# Grab the digits and display values set by xtable
digt <- attr(xt, 'digits')[indx+1]
disply <- attr(xt, 'display')[indx+1]
formatted.vals <- formatC(xt[, column], digits=digt, format=disply)
formatted.column <- paste('\\cellcolor[HTML]{', clr.string, '}', formatted.vals, sep='')
xt[, column] <- formatted.column
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