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Last active December 1, 2018 02:47
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\section{Focused Sequent Calculus}
Focused sequent calculus has several class of proposition\footnote{We are
writing $\Neg{a},\Pos{a}$ for negative and positive atoms respectively. You may
also see these written as $\Neg{P},\Pos{P}$.} and context. We summarize them
below, noting that $\Pos{\Omega}$ ranges over ordered lists, whereas $\Gamma$
ranges over multisets:
negative & \Neg{A} &
\Neg{a} \mid \NegTop \mid \NegAnd{\Neg{A}}{\Neg{B}} \mid \Imp{\Pos{A}}{\Neg{B}} \mid \Up{\Pos{A}}
positive & \Pos{A} &
\Pos{a} \mid \PosTop \mid \Bot \mid \PosAnd{\Pos{A}}{\Pos{B}} \mid \Or{\Pos{A}}{\Pos{B}} \mid \Down{\Neg{A}}
inv.\ antecedents & \InvCx & \cdot \mid \InvCx,\Pos{A}
stable antecedents & \Gamma & \cdot \mid \Gamma,\Neg{A} \mid \Gamma,\Pos{a}
stable succedent & \rho & \Pos{A} \mid \Neg{a}
Focused sequent calculus features several forms of judgment:
right inversion & \RInv
left inversion & \LInv
stable & \Stab
right focus & \RFoc
left focus & \LFoc
\paragraph{Right inversion}
\paragraph{Left inversion}
\paragraph{Right focus}
\paragraph{Left focus}
\NewDocumentCommand\Highlight{O{Red} m}{
\fcolorbox{#1!30}{#1!5}{$\displaystyle #2$}%
\NewDocumentCommand\HypV{m}{#1\ \JdgLbl{valid}}
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% default ordered context name
\NewDocumentCommand\OCx{}{\Omega} % in case we want to switch the notation
% ordered truth
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% usage: \Subst{D}{u}{E} ===> [D/u]E
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%default linear context name
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\begin{tabular}{>{\itshape(}l<{)} >{$}l<{$} @{\quad $\Coloneqq$\quad } >{$}l<{$}}%
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