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Created February 26, 2021 02:54
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{-# OPTIONS --type-in-type --cubical --rewriting --confluence-check #-}
module stc-playground where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality renaming (_≡_ to _≣_)
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality.Rewrite
open import Agda.Primitive
module _ {ℓ} where
_*_ : ∀ (ϕ : I) (A : Type ℓ) → Type ℓ
module _ {ϕ : I} {A : Type ℓ} where
*/pt : Partial ϕ (ϕ * A)
[*/ret] : A → ϕ * A [ ϕ ↦ */pt ]
*/ret : A → ϕ * A
*/ret a = outS ([*/ret] a)
: (B : _*_ ϕ A → Type ℓ)
→ (u : PartialP ϕ (λ z → B (*/pt z)))
→ (v : (x : A) → B (*/ret x) [ ϕ ↦ (λ {(ϕ = i1) → u _}) ])
→ (x : ϕ * A)
→ B x
: (B : _*_ ϕ A → Type ℓ)
→ (u : PartialP ϕ (λ z → B (*/pt z)))
→ (v : (x : A) → B (*/ret x) [ ϕ ↦ (λ {(ϕ = i1) → u _}) ])
→ (x : A)
→ */glue B u v (*/ret x) ≣ outS (v x)
{-# REWRITE */glue/β #-}
record iso {ℓ} (A B : Type ℓ) : Type ℓ where
constructor mk-iso
fwd : A → B
bwd : B → A
fwd-bwd : ∀ x → _≣_ {ℓ} (fwd (bwd x)) x
bwd-fwd : ∀ x → _≣_ {ℓ} (bwd (fwd x)) x
isom : ∀ {ℓ} (B : Type ℓ) → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ)
isom {ℓ} B = Σ (Type ℓ) λ A → iso A B
record desc ℓ (ϕ : I) : Type (ℓ-suc ℓ) where
constructor mk-desc
base : Type ℓ
part : Partial ϕ (isom base)
realign : ∀ {ℓ} (ϕ : I) (D : desc ℓ ϕ) → isom (desc.base D) [ ϕ ↦ desc.part D ]
realign/fwd-bwd : ∀ {ℓ} (ϕ : I) (D : desc ℓ ϕ) (x : _) → iso.fwd (snd (outS (realign ϕ D))) (iso.bwd (snd (outS (realign ϕ D))) x) ≣ x
{-# REWRITE realign/fwd-bwd #-}
[realign/tp] : ∀ {ℓ} (ϕ : I) (D : desc ℓ ϕ) → Type ℓ [ ϕ ↦ (λ z → fst (desc.part D z)) ]
[realign/tp] ϕ D = inS (fst (outS (realign ϕ D)))
realign/tp : ∀ {ℓ} (ϕ : I) (D : desc ℓ ϕ) → Type ℓ
realign/tp ϕ D = fst (outS (realign ϕ D))
record THEORY ℓ : Type (ℓ-suc ℓ) where
tp : Type ℓ
tm : tp → Type ℓ
prod : tp → tp → tp
prod/tm : ∀ A B → iso {ℓ} (tm (prod A B)) (Σ (tm A) (λ _ → tm B))
module _ (¶ : I) where
○ : ∀ {ℓ} → Type ℓ → SSet ℓ
○ A = .(_ : IsOne ¶) → A
● : ∀ {ℓ} → Type ℓ → Type ℓ
● A = ¶ * A
[○] : ∀ {ℓ} → ○ (Type ℓ) → SSet ℓ
[○] A = PartialP ¶ A
module _ .(_ : IsOne ¶) where
M : THEORY ℓ-zero
record tp*-data : Type (ℓ-suc ℓ-zero) where
constructor mk-tp*-data
syn : [○] (λ z → tp (M z))
ext : Type ℓ-zero [ ¶ ↦ (λ z → tm (M z) (syn z)) ]
open tp*-data
tp*/desc : desc (ℓ-suc ℓ-zero) ¶
desc.base tp*/desc = tp*-data
desc.part tp*/desc =
λ where
(¶ = i1) →
tp (M _) ,
(λ A → mk-tp*-data (λ _ → A) (inS (tm (M 1=1) A)))
(λ A → syn A _)
(λ A → _≣_.refl)
(λ A → _≣_.refl)
[tp*] : isom (desc.base tp*/desc) [ ¶ ↦ desc.part tp*/desc ]
[tp*] = realign ¶ tp*/desc
tp* : Type (ℓ-suc ℓ-zero)
tp* = fst (outS [tp*])
tm* : tp* → Type _
tm* A* = outS (tp*-data.ext (iso.fwd (snd (outS [tp*])) A*))
mk-tp* = iso.bwd (snd (outS [tp*]))
prod*/desc : (A* B* : tp*) → desc ℓ-zero ¶
prod*/desc A* B* =
(Σ (tm* A*) λ _ → tm* B*)
λ where
(¶ = i1) →
tm (M _) (prod (M _) A* B*) ,
prod/tm (M _) A* B*
[prod*] : (A B : tp*) → isom (desc.base (prod*/desc A B)) [ ¶ ↦ desc.part (prod*/desc A B) ]
[prod*] A B = realign ¶ (prod*/desc A B)
prod* : tp* → tp* → tp*
prod* A B =
(λ {(¶ = i1)→ prod (M _) A B})
(inS (fst (outS ([prod*] A B)))))
prod/tm* : (A B : tp*) → iso (tm* (prod* A B)) (Σ (tm* A) (λ _ → tm* B))
prod/tm* A B = snd (outS ([prod*] A B))
M* : THEORY (ℓ-suc ℓ-zero) [ ¶ ↦ M ]
M* =
inS record
{ tp = tp* ;
tm = tm* ;
prod = prod* ;
prod/tm = prod/tm* }
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