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Created April 21, 2010 10:30
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(ns #^{:doc "This is pretty much the same as clojure.contrib.sql,
except that it uses quoting for column and table names, which means
you can - if your database permits it - use more funky charcters in
your names. The most obvious character you'll want to use from Clojure
is '-', as in :user-id, etc"}
(:require [clojure.contrib [sql :as sql]]
[clojure.contrib [def :only defalias]]
[clojure.contrib.sql [internal :as internal]])
(:use (clojure.contrib [java-utils :only [as-str]])))
(def #^{:doc "the character used for quoting table and column names. This is a String"}
*quote-character* "\"")
(def #^{:doc "The regular expression to test for names that needn't be quoted"}
*plain-name-re* #"^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$")
(defn quote-name [n]
"Quote a table or column name.
Accepts strings and keywords. Names cannot contain the *quote-character*"
(let [n (as-str n)]
(if (re-matches *plain-name-re* n)
(str *quote-character* n *quote-character*))))
#^{:doc "alias (using defalias) a bunch of vars from another namespace into the current one"
:private true}
alias-from [n & vars]
`(do ~@(map #(list 'clojure.contrib.def/defalias % (symbol (name n) (name %))) vars)))
(alias-from sql
find-connection connection with-connection
transaction set-rollback-only is-rollback-only
do-commands do-prepared with-query-results)
(defn create-table
"Creates a table on the open database connection given a table name and
specs. Each spec is either a column spec: a vector containing a column
name and optionally a type and other constraints, or a table-level
constraint: a vector containing words that express the constraint. All
words used to describe the table may be supplied as strings or keywords.
Column names are quoted if needed, but only when they're specified as a keyword."
[name & specs]
(format "CREATE TABLE %s (%s)"
(quote-name name)
(apply str
(apply concat
(interpose [", "]
(map #(interpose " " (into [(if (string? (first %))
(first %)
(quote-name (first %)))] (map as-str (rest %)))) specs)))))))
(defn drop-table
"Drops a table on the open database connection given its name, a string
or keyword"
(format "DROP TABLE %s" (quote-name name))))
(defn insert-values
"Inserts rows into a table with values for specified columns only.
column-names is a vector of strings or keywords identifying columns. Each
value-group is a vector containing a values for each column in
order. When inserting complete rows (all columns), consider using
insert-rows instead."
[table column-names & value-groups]
(let [column-strs (map quote-name column-names)
n (count (first value-groups))
template (apply str (interpose "," (replicate n "?")))
columns (if (seq column-names)
(format "(%s)" (apply str (interpose "," column-strs)))
(apply do-prepared
(format "INSERT INTO %s %s VALUES (%s)"
(quote-name table) columns template)
(defn insert-rows
"Inserts complete rows into a table. Each row is a vector of values for
each of the table's columns in order."
[table & rows]
(apply insert-values table nil rows))
(defn insert-records
"Inserts records into a table. records are maps from strings or
keywords (identifying columns) to values."
[table & records]
(doseq [record records]
(insert-values table (keys record) (vals record))))
(defn delete-rows
"Deletes rows from a table. where-params is a vector containing a string
providing the (optionally parameterized) selection criteria followed by
values for any parameters."
[table where-params]
(let [[where & params] where-params]
(format "DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s"
(quote-name table) where)
(defn update-values
"Updates values on selected rows in a table. where-params is a vector
containing a string providing the (optionally parameterized) selection
criteria followed by values for any parameters. record is a map from
strings or keywords (identifying columns) to updated values."
[table where-params record]
(let [[where & params] where-params
column-strs (map quote-name (keys record))
columns (apply str (concat (interpose "=?, " column-strs) "=?"))]
(format "UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s"
(quote-name table) columns where)
(concat (vals record) params))))
(defn update-or-insert-values
"Updates values on selected rows in a table, or inserts a new row when no
existing row matches the selection criteria. where-params is a vector
containing a string providing the (optionally parameterized) selection
criteria followed by values for any parameters. record is a map from
strings or keywords (identifying columns) to updated values."
[table where-params record]
(let [result (update-values table where-params record)]
(if (zero? (first result))
(insert-values table (keys record) (vals record))
;; the following is mostly from
;;==== Internal functions ======================================================
(defn- join
"Joins the items in the given collection into a single string separated
with the string separator."
[separator col]
(apply str (interpose separator col)))
(defn- sql-for-insert
"Converts a table identifier (keyword or string) and a hash identifying
a record into an sql insert statement compatible with prepareStatement
Returns [sql values-to-insert]"
[table record]
(let [table-name (quote-name table)
columns (map quote-name (keys record))
values (vals record)
n (count columns)
template (join "," (replicate n "?"))
column-names (join "," columns)
sql (format "insert into %s (%s) values (%s)"
table-name column-names template)]
[sql values]))
;;==== Functions/macros for use by macros ======================================
(defn run-chained
"Runs the given database insert functions on the given
database spec within a transaction. Each function is passed a hash
identifying the keys of the previous inserts."
[db insert-fns]
(with-connection db
(loop [id {}
todo insert-fns]
(if (empty? todo)
(let [[table insert-fn] (first todo)
inserted-id (insert-fn id)]
(recur (assoc id table inserted-id)
(rest todo))))))))
(defmacro build-insert-fns
"Converts a vector of [:table { record }] into a vector of database
insert functions."
(for [[table record] (partition 2 table-records)]
`[~table (fn [~'id]
(insert-record ~table ~record))])))
;;==== Functions/macros for external use =======================================
(defn insert-record
"Equivalent of clojure.contrib.sql/insert-records that only inserts a single
record but returns the autogenerated id of that record if available."
[table record]
(let [[sql values] (sql-for-insert table record)]
(with-open [statement (.prepareStatement (connection) sql)]
(doseq [[index value] (map vector (iterate inc 1) values)]
(.setObject statement index value))
(.execute statement)
(if-let [rs (.getGeneratedKeys statement)]
(if (.next rs)
(if-let [id (.getObject rs 1)]
(defmacro insert-with-id
"Insert records within a single transaction into the database described by
the given db spec. The record format is :table { record-hash }.
The record hashes can optionally access a hashmap 'id' which holds the
autogenerated ids of previous inserts keyed by the table name. e.g.
(insert-with-id db-spec
:department {:name \"xfiles\"
:location \"secret\"}
:employee {:department (id :department)
:name \"Mr X\"})"
[db & table-records]
`(let [insert-fns# (build-insert-fns ~table-records)]
(run-chained ~db insert-fns#)))
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