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Last active October 2, 2018 16:36
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System.Device.Gpio API Proposal

System.Device.Gpio Proposal

The goal of this API is to allow .Net Core developers to access General Purpose IO (GPIO) pins of IoT devices like Raspberry Pi, Hummingboard, or Odroid. This will allow applications to read and write data from/to sensors, leds and other kind of peripherals connected to those pins. This API should also support most commonly used serial communication protocols like SPI and I2C.

Rationale and Usage

API Design Goals

  • Extensible to many different kinds of IoT devices
  • Multiplatform (Linux and Windows OS)
  • General enough to allow the same client user code to work in all supported platforms
  • Simple to use
  • Good performance

Main classes the user interacts with


This class will act as a Object Factory which will have several Open() methods that will take different parameters which will return you an instance of the controller for the device you are running in. You can specify the driver that you want to use in order to perform all the low level operations, or you can instead call the default factory method which will return the default controller for the platform you are running on. The controller will support both the physical pin numbering scheme, and the Logical Gpio pin numbering scheme. The controller will also contain a Dispose method that will take care of all of the cleanup required, like closing and disposing all of the open pins for that controller. For this reason, the common pattern will be that whenever we want to interact with a pin, we will wrap it inside a using clause that will get the controller.


This class will be initialized by calling a constructor and specifying the controller that it belongs to, and the location of the pin on the controller. It will contain instance methods that take care of basic pin operations, like reading and writing a pin's value, setting a pin's mode, and also the ability for registering for specific event notifications and setting callbacks when there is a state change. It will also contain more advance methods like using PWM to read/write analog values.

Blinking LED

using (GpioController controller = GpioController.Open())
	GpioPin pin = new GpioPin(controller, 18, PinMode.Output);
	while (true)

Turning on LED while pressing a button

using (GpioController controller = GpioController.Open())
    GpioPin button = new GpioPin(controller, 13, PinMode.Input);
    GpioPin led = new GpioPin(controller, 18, PinMode.Output);
    while (true)
        PinValue buttonValue = button.ReadValue();

Waiting for a button to be pressed

using (GpioController controller = GpioController.Open())
    GpioPin button = new GpioPin(controller, 13, PinMode.Input);
    button.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
    button.NotifyFilter = PinEvent.RisingEdge;
    bool eventRecieved = button.WaitForEvent(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
    if (eventRecieved)
        Console.WriteLine("An event was received.");
        Console.WriteLine("No event was received.");

Registering callbacks when a button is pressed.

    using (GpioController controller = GpioController.Open())
        GpioPin button = new GpioPin(controller, 13, PinMode.Input);
        button.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
        button.NotifyFilter = PinEvent.FallingEdge | PinEvent.RisingEdge;
        button.ValueChanged += DoSomething;

public static void DoSomething(object sender, EventArgs args) { }

Migrating to a different OS and/or IoT device

Each controller will internally have a driver which is the one in charge of actually interacting with the pins and performing all of the actions at the low level. We have two types of these drivers, generic ones(platform-specific) and specific ones (board-specific). The specific drivers will be more performant, as they will be fliping bits in registers directly, but they won't be usable on other microcontrollers. The generic ones, will use SYSFS in order to perform its operations, which means that they will work on different boards.

// For drivers that ship with the framework, we will provide a Factory method that takes an enum so that the user can pick the driver.
GpioController controller = GpioController.Open(GpioDriverKind.RaspberryPi3);
// For extensibility, we also have a Factory method that takes in a user specified driver that will support a new board.
GpioController controller = GpioController.Open(new MyAwesomeGpioDriver()); // MyAwesomeGpioDriver is a subclass of GpioDriver class
// If not specified, then the controller will use the default driver for the platform OS
GpioController controller = GpioController.Open(); // Will use the UnixDriver for Debian systems, and WindowsIOT Driver for Windows 10

Using a different pin numbering scheme

We will support two different types of numbering schemes: Board and Logical. The Board numbering is the physical number of where the pin is located, and the Logical is where the pin is represented by the Gpio number.

var controller = GpioController.Open(); // defaults to PinNumberingScheme.Logical
var controller = GpioController.Open(PinNumberingScheme.Logical); // or
var controller = GpioController.Open(PinNumberingScheme.Board);

Communicating with sensors using SPI and I2C

TODO: These two protocols will be discussed in the next iteration of the Api Review

Proposed API

Following are the proposed APIs.

GpioController class

public class GpioController : IDisposable
    private GpioController() { }
    protected internal GpioDriver driver { get; private set; }
    public static GpioController Open(PinNumberingScheme numbering = PinNumberingScheme.Logic) { throw null; }
    public static GpioController Open(GpioDriver driver, PinNumberingScheme numbering = PinNumberingScheme.Logic) { throw null; }
    public static GpioController Open(GpioDriverKind kind, PinNumberingScheme numbering = PinNumberingScheme.Logic) { throw null; }
    public PinNumberingScheme Numbering { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<IGpioConnection> OpenConnections { get; }
    public int PinCount { get; }
    public bool isPinOpen(int pinNumber) { throw null; }
    public bool isPinModeSupported(int pinNumber, PinMode mode) { throw null; }
    public void Dispose() { }
    public void CloseAllPins() { }

public enum GpioDriverKind

GpioPin class

public class GpioPin : GpioConnection
    // Core Functionality of a Pin
    public GpioPin(GpioController controller, int gpioNumber, PinMode mode) { }
    public GpioPin(GpioController controller, int gpioNumber, PinMode mode, bool initialValue) { }
    public new void Dispose() { }
    public bool ReadValue() { throw null; }
    public void WriteValue(bool value) { }
    // PWM
    public int PWMFrequency { get; set; }
    public float PWMDutyCycle { get; set; }
    public int PWMRange { get; set; }
    public PWMMode PWMMode { get; set; }

    // Analog RW
    public int AnalogRead() { throw null; }
    public void AnalogWrite(int value) { }
    public int AnalogReadWait(TimeSpan timeout) { throw null; }

    // Eventing
    public TimeSpan DebounceTimeout { get; set; }
    public bool EnableRaisingEvents { get; set; }
    public PinEvent NotifyFilter { get; set; }
    public event EventHandler<EventArgs> ValueChanged { add { } remove { } }
    public bool WaitForEvent(TimeSpan timeout) { throw null; }

GpioConnection abstract class

This class will represent anything that will be plugged into a controller and that is capable to read and write values. This is an extensibility point for future sensor-specific classes.

public abstract class GpioConnection : IDisposable
    public IDictionary<int, PinMode> Pins { get; }
    public void Write(byte[] value, int offset, int count) { }
    public int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { throw null; }
    public void Dispose() { }

GpioDriver classes

public abstract class GpioDriver
    protected internal GpioPin OpenPin(int pinNumber, PinMode mode) { throw null; }
    protected internal bool TryOpenPin(int pinNumber, PinMode mode, out GpioPin) { throw null; }
    protected internal void ClosePin(int pinNumber) { throw null; }
    protected internal int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { throw null; }
    protected internal void Write(byte[] value, int offset, int count) { }

public class UnixDriver : GpioDriver
    //Driver that implements the GpioDriver actions by using SYSFS

public class RaspberryPi3Driver : GpioDriver
    //Driver that implements the GpioDriver actions by using the Raspberry Pi's BCM2835 Peripheral regisers.

public class WindowsIOTDriver : GpioDriver
    //Driver that implements the GpioDriver actions by calling into the WINRT APIs.

Link to the full Reference Assembly source

Things that we might consider adding

  • Sharing the same pin on different instances of GpioPin. WinRT Apis expose this as GpioSharingMode.
  • Once a pin is initialized, should we allow changing the PinMode? WinRT does allow that.
  • WinRT also supports keeping track of all the changes in value that happen on a pin, similar to what a FileSystemWatcher would do.
  • Most methods should take the GpioPin object, instead of just the number, since we support different numbering schemes.
  • Having GpioPin be an abstract class that each driver provides an implementation for. This would break some cycles we have for some types today, but it would also make the actual consumption of the code harder, since you would have to know the driver's specific class in order to consume it if we were to continue using the logic where the way to open pins is by calling a pin's constructor and pass in the controller it belongs to as a parameter.
  • Changing PinNumberingScheme to be a class instead of an enum. This will be an extensibility so that users could add different ways of naming pins. I don't really see much benefits of doing this, since we could assume user's knowledge of the hardware plus most methods should take the Pin object, and not the number.
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