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Created October 19, 2018 16:52
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Device.Gpio;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace System.Device.Gpio
#region Enums And Structs
public enum PinNumberingScheme
public enum PinMode
public enum PinValue
High = 1,
Low = 0
public struct WaitForEventResult
public PinEventTypes EventType;
public bool TimedOut;
public enum PinEventTypes
Rising = 1,
Falling = 2
#endregion Enums And Structs
public class PinValueChangedEventArgs : EventArgs
public PinValueChangedEventArgs(PinEventTypes changeType, int pinNumber) { }
public PinEventTypes ChangeType { get; }
public int PinNumber { get; }
public delegate void PinChangeEventHandler(object sender, PinValueChangedEventArgs e);
public sealed class GpioController : IDisposable
// Fields
private GpioDriver _driver;
// Constructor and singleton getters.
private GpioController() { }
public static GpioController GetController(PinNumberingScheme numberingScheme = PinNumberingScheme.Logical) { throw null; }
public static GpioController GetController(GpioDriver driver, PinNumberingScheme numberingScheme = PinNumberingScheme.Logical) { throw null; }
// Controller fields
public PinNumberingScheme NumberingScheme { get; }
public int PinCount { get; }
// Open and close operations on Pins
public void OpenPin(int pinNumber) { }
public void OpenPin(int pinNumber, PinMode mode) { }
public void OpenPin(int pinNumber, PinMode mode, PinValue value) { }
public void BatchOpenPins(IEnumerable<int> pinNumbers) { }
public void BatchOpenPins(IEnumerable<int> pinNumbers, PinMode mode) { }
public void ClosePin(int pinNumber) { }
public void BatchClosePins(IEnumerable<int> pinNumbers) { }
// Read and Write operations on Pins
public PinValue Read(int pinNumber) { throw null; }
public void Write(int pinNumber, PinValue value) { }
public void Write(IEnumerable<int> pinNumbers, PinValue value) { }
// Eventing
public WaitForEventResult WaitForEvent(int pinNumber, PinEventTypes eventType, int timeout) { throw null; }
public async Task<WaitForEventResult> WaitForEventAsync(int pinNumber, PinEventTypes eventType, int timeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { return await Task.FromResult(default(WaitForEventResult)); }
public void AddCallbackForValueChangedEvent(int pinNumber, PinEventTypes eventType, PinChangeEventHandler callback) { }
public void RemoveCallbackForValueChangedEvent(int pinNumber, PinChangeEventHandler callback) { }
// Misc functions
public bool isPinOpen(int pinNumber) { throw null; }
public bool isPinModeSupported(int pinNumber, PinMode mode) { throw null; }
public static int GetPinNumberFromConfig(string configurationName, int defaultValue) { throw null; }
public void ChangePinMode(int pinNumber, PinMode newPinMode) { }
// Dispose and Finalizer
~GpioController() { }
public void Dispose() { }
public static class Utils
// Checking if Interfaces are enabled or not on the board.
public static bool isSPIEnabled() { throw null; }
public static bool isI2CEnabled() { throw null; }
public abstract class GpioDriver : IDisposable
protected internal abstract void OpenPin(int pinNumber, PinMode mode);
protected internal abstract void ClosePin(int pinNumber);
protected internal abstract int PinCount { get; }
protected internal abstract PinValue Read(int pinNumber);
protected internal abstract void Write(int pinNumber, PinValue pinValue);
protected internal abstract bool isPinModeSupported(int pinNumber, PinMode mode);
protected internal abstract WaitForEventResult WaitForEvent(PinEventTypes eventType, int timeout);
protected internal abstract Task<WaitForEventResult> WaitForEventAsync(PinEventTypes eventType, int timeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
public abstract void Dispose();
protected internal abstract bool EnableRaisingEvents { get; set; }
protected internal abstract PinEventTypes NotifyFilter { get; set; }
namespace System.Device.Pwm
public sealed class PwmController : IDisposable
// Constructors and Singleton
private PwmController() { }
public static PwmController GetController() { throw null; }
public static PwmController GetController(PwmDriver driver) { throw null; }
// Opening and closing channels
public void OpenChannel(int pwmChannel) { }
public void CloseChannel(int pwmChannel) { }
// Change duty cycle while pwm is started
public void ChangeDutyCycle(int pwmChannel, double dutyCycle) { }
public void Start(int pwmChannel, int frequency, double dutyCycle) { }
public void Stop(int pwmChannel) { }
// Others
public bool isPwmEnabled() { throw null; }
// Finalizer and Dispose
~PwmController() { }
public void Dispose() { }
public abstract class PwmDriver : IDisposable
protected internal abstract void OpenChannel(int pwmChannel);
protected internal abstract void CloseChannel(int pwmChannel);
protected internal abstract void Start(int pwmChannel, int frequency, double dutyCycle);
protected internal abstract void Stop(int pwmChannel);
public abstract void Dispose();
namespace System.Device.I2c
public sealed class I2cConnectionSettings
public uint BusId { get; set; }
public uint DeviceAddress { get; set; }
public I2cConnectionSettings(uint busId, uint DeviceAddress) { }
public abstract class I2cDevice : IDisposable
protected I2cConnectionSettings _settings;
public abstract void Dispose();
public abstract I2cConnectionSettings GetConnectionSettings();
public abstract void Read(byte[] buffer, int index, int count);
public abstract byte ReadByte();
public abstract ushort ReadUInt16();
public abstract uint ReadUInt32();
public abstract ulong ReadUInt64();
public abstract void Write(byte[] buffer, int index, int count);
public abstract void WriteByte(byte value);
public abstract void WriteUInt16(ushort value);
public abstract void WriteUInt32(uint value);
public abstract void WriteUInt64(ulong value);
namespace System.Device.Spi
public enum SpiMode
public sealed class SpiConnectionSettings
public uint BusId { get; set; }
public uint ChipSelectLine { get; set; }
public SpiMode Mode {get; set;}
public uint DataBitLength {get; set;}
public uint ClockFrequency {get;set;}
public SpiConnectionSettings(uint busId, uint chipSelectLine) { }
public abstract class SpiDevice : IDisposable
protected SpiConnectionSettings _settings;
public abstract void Dispose();
public SpiConnectionSettings GetConnectionSettings() { throw null; }
public abstract void Read(byte[] buffer, int index, int count);
public abstract byte ReadByte();
public abstract ushort ReadUInt16();
public abstract uint ReadUInt32();
public abstract ulong ReadUInt64();
public abstract void Write(byte[] buffer, int index, int count);
public abstract void WriteByte(byte value);
public abstract void WriteUInt16(ushort value);
public abstract void WriteUInt32(uint value);
public abstract void WriteUInt64(ulong value);
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