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Created February 23, 2016 06:34
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Ebay Sniper
<a href="javascript:void%20function(){window.maxval=prompt(%22How%20much%20would%20you%20like%20to%20pay%3F%20(Dont%20include%20$%20sign)%22),window.snipetime=prompt(%22What%20second%20would%20you%20like%20to%20snipe%20on%3F%20(can%20be%200-9,%20but%202%20is%20recommended%22),window.tanimation=[%22|%22,%22/%22,%22-%22,%22\\%22],window.tanv=0,window.setInterval(function(){$(%22%23itemTitle%22).text(%22Sniper%20Active%20%20%22+tanimation[tanv%25tanimation.length]),window.tanv++,1!=window.biddone%26%261!=window.tensec%26%26-1==$(%22%23vi-cdown_timeLeft%22).text().indexOf(%22m%22)%26%26$(%22%23vi-cdown_timeLeft%22).text().indexOf(%2210s%22)%3E-1%26%26(window.tensec=!0,$(%22%23bidBtn_btn%22).click()),1==window.tensec%26%26$(%22.timeLeftVal%22).text().indexOf(window.snipetime+%22s%22)%3E-1%26%26-1==$(%22.timeLeftVal%22).text().indexOf(%2210s%22)%26%26(window.tensec=!1,window.biddone=!0,$(%22input[title='Enter%20your%20max%20bid']%22).val(window.maxval),$(},100)}();">EbaySnipe.JS</a> <-- Drag me to your bookmarks bar, go to an auction, click on the bookmarklet to setup sniping
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Ukieman commented Mar 12, 2016

Jordam... Been to been to looking to export my Google play music songs into a spreadsheet. Tried some of the options there but the best I got was 65 songs to list in the console, I have over 3000. Mostly I got confused by the various scripts to copy and what they are suppose to produce and what to do to get all songs and how to get them to spreadsheet.

If you have time can you simplify the process by telling me step by step what to do and what I should expect as I do each step? I'm somewhat tech savvy but this process I'm a total dummy. Thanks in advance. Andrew [email protected]

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