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Created April 5, 2012 19:29
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Jenkins on Heroku

Jenkins on Heroku

  1. Download jenkins.war
  2. Create pom.xml (it'll be pretty much empty)
  3. Create Procfile to do 'java -jar jenkins.war' etc...


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Just need a plain and mostly empty pom.xml for Heroku to detect that this is a Java application
<project xmlns=""
# Only listen on http; disable ajp and https
web: java -jar jenkins.war --httpPort=$PORT --ajp13Port=-1 --httpsPort=-1
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I exactly performed the above steps. Created the git and deployed the git on heroku. It acknowledged me about the build is successful and the application has been deployed. But when i ran the application. It displayed application error.

Please advise, if i am missing any step.

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Have you had any issues with:
a) running multiple dynos with Jenkins
b) getting the git keys to work from the plugin. using keys:add didn't work for me as the key isn't used when the plugin attempts to clone from Github

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I found having just the Procfile in the git repo to be sufficient and using the heroku-deploy plugin works:

However, since jenkins uses the filesystem for job & build data, you can't use it for much. Have you overcome this limitation somehow?

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any thoughts on file system issue? lose all config when restart

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rajiteh commented Jan 16, 2014

Anyone had any luck with the config file missing issue? I've set the $JENKINS_HOME variable to /app/.jenkins but still no use.

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rajiteh commented Jan 16, 2014

Anyone had any luck with the config file missing issue? I've set the $JENKINS_HOME variable to /app/.jenkins but still no use.

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rajiteh commented Jan 16, 2014

Anyone had any luck with the config file missing issue? I've set the $JENKINS_HOME variable to /app/.jenkins but still no use.

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rajiteh commented Jan 16, 2014

Anyone had any luck with the config file missing issue? I've set the $JENKINS_HOME variable to /app/.jenkins but still no use.

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spudnic commented Mar 7, 2015

Seems to work like a charm for me. I have a very hacky solution which is to add the .jenkins/... directly to the git repo. For obvious reasons this is not the most secure way to do it but it does work. The tricky part is that any plugins or job configurations that I want to do need to I have to do them locally and then cp from my ~/.jenkins/ to REPO/.jenkins....

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Worked perfect for me. Thanks!

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I tried without success, too many moving parts.
I got OpenShift:

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Was anyone able to fix this?I tried what @spudnic suggested and it works but any update I make to the jobs does not get persisted after I restart the dyno. Thinking it was the write permission on the .jenkins file I did changed the writer permission (chmod -r 777) but still no change persisted. I am leaning toward using AWS.

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Tried deploying the app to heroku. Deployed successfully. On Jenkins page its asking for Administrator password. Where can I find the same. Please suggest.

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Vaults1 commented Jan 29, 2017

Did this work for anyone? @maheshwarimani1991 I think the password is password.

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@maheshwarimani1991 password is store on ~/.jenkins or $JENKINS_HOME. However, if you first start or restart dyno, you can access its log to get the pass code.
heroku logs --app your-app-name

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How do you persist configuration?

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rahil11 commented Sep 9, 2017

@HongQuanTo where exactly we have to run this command "heroku logs --app your-app-name" ?

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I have deployed jenkins on heroku and deployed successfully and accessing jenkins on heroku but after 4 5 hours it is asking for Administrator password

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ghost commented May 14, 2018

Any news today for the ephemeral problem on Heroku?

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abranhe commented Jun 15, 2018

@satnam348 I am facing the same issue, after 4 or 5 hours it is asking me for the Administrator password. Anyone know why?

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To get initial password restart the Dyno and type
heroku logs --app your-app-name where you installed heroku cli

For preventing it to sleep register site here

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Where does the jenkins create its configuration files in heroku after it has been deployed using this approach.

Since Heroku is not persisting the configuration files after restart so I want to keep all these configuration files inside the git. So after restart I do not need to configure again and it will pick from the config files. Is it possible ?

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