#JavaScript Libraries
The following is a list of JavaScript libraries that I've used or seen in action.
##Alerts and Notifications jQuery.Alerts
This library was part of the It's Brain theme that I worked with. It has easily stylable dialogs using a variety of types.
jGrowl was part of another theme that I previously used. It allows for nice Growl-style notifications within web-applications.
This was one that I found in the middle of a design review meeting. They have a variety of alerts that can be neatly styled and should be able to look awesome with a minimal amount of work.
##Tables datatables.net
This is the all-star plug-in for dealing with managing tabular content. This plug-in is not only easy to implement and style, it is also easy to extend and provides several customizable modules.
##Connection Status blog entry
This isn't so much a library as a neat little blog entry that talks about using HTML 5 to detect the connection status of an application. This is a nice little feature that will enable alerts and prevent missed connections.