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Created October 26, 2024 11:38
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  • Save josemarcosrf/15fb573cea80c7fafc5fabcad57fbcc5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save josemarcosrf/15fb573cea80c7fafc5fabcad57fbcc5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Oh-My-Posh slightly modified template based on Cinnamon's changing the colors to a earth palette and adds python info on the right side
"$schema": "",
"blocks": [
// ---------- New Python Segment ----------
"type": "prompt",
"alignment": "right",
"segments": [
"type": "python",
"style": "diamond",
"leading_diamond": " \ue0b6",
"trailing_diamond": "\ue0b4",
"fetch_virtual_env": true,
"template": "  {{ .Venv }} ",
"properties": {
"display_mode": "context",
"fetch_version": true,
"fetch_virtual_env": true
"background": "transparent",
// "foreground": "p:yellow"
"foreground": "#f1d018"
// ---------- End Python Segment ----------
"alignment": "left",
"segments": [
"type": "session",
// "background": "#07585c",
"background": "#8f802a",
"foreground": "#ffffff",
"leading_diamond": "\ue0b6",
"style": "diamond",
"template": " {{ if .SSHSession }}\ueba9 {{ end }}{{ .UserName }} "
"type": "path",
// "background": "#3e9022",
"background": "#6b8f2a",
"foreground": "#ffffff",
"properties": {
"style": "folder"
"template": " \uea83 {{ path .Path .Location }} ",
"style": "plain"
"type": "git",
"background": "#2a8f80",
"foreground": "#ffffff",
"properties": {
"branch_icon": "",
"fetch_upstream_icon": true
"style": "plain",
"template": " {{ .UpstreamIcon }}{{ .HEAD }} "
"type": "spotify",
"background": "#491545",
"foreground": "#ffffff",
"properties": {
"paused_icon": "\uf04c ",
"playing_icon": "\ue602 ",
"stopped_icon": "\uf04d ",
"track_separator": " - "
"style": "plain",
"template": " \uf1bc {{ .Icon }}{{ if ne .Status \"stopped\" }}{{ .Artist }} - {{ .Track }}{{ end }} "
"type": "status",
"foreground": "#ffffff",
"background": "#2a6c8f",
"background_templates": [
"{{ if gt .Code 0 }}#f1184c{{ end }}"
"properties": {
"always_enabled": true
"style": "diamond",
"template": " {{ if gt .Code 0 }}\uf00d{{ else }}\uf00c{{ end }} ",
"trailing_diamond": "\ue0b4"
"type": "prompt"
"final_space": true,
"version": 2
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