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Created January 16, 2019 12:31
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Gist exemplifying usage of Jest module mocks, with Flow.
// modules/__mocks__/i18n.js
const i18n = {
t: name => `Bye ${name}!`
export default i18n
// ./modules/i18n.js
const i18n = {
t: name => `Hello ${name}!`
export default i18n
// ./utils.js
import i18n from './modules/i18n'
export const functionThatUsesT = name => `${i18n.t(name)}`
// ./utils.spec.js
import { functionThatUsesT } from './utils'
describe('functionThatUsesT', () => {
it('should mock i18n and say bye instead of hello', () => {
expect(functionThatUsesT('Spiderman')).toEqual('Bye Spiderman!')
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