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Created January 18, 2017 04:12
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def validate_pickings(self, pickings):
"""Method used to validate pickings no matter the number of steps used in the picking process
pick = pickings.filtered(lambda a: a.state in ('confirmed', 'assigned'))
# Confirming Pick
value = self.trans.\
with_context({'active_model': 'stock.picking',
'active_ids': []}).default_get([])
line = []
for ope in value.get('item_ids', []):
line.append((0, 0, ope))
value['item_ids'] = line
value['picking_id'] =
# Creating an object of the pack window
trans_id = self.trans.create(value)
# Validating wizard
self.assertEqual(pick.state, 'done', 'The pick was not validated')
return pickings.filtered(lambda a: a.state in ('confirmed', 'assigned')) and validate_pickings(pickings) or pickings
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