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Created July 31, 2017 16:33
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# Available locals:
# - time, datetime, dateutil: Python libraries
# - env: Odoo Environement
# - model: Model of the record on which the action is triggered
# - object: Record on which the action is triggered if there is one, otherwise None
# - workflow: Workflow engine
# - Warning: Warning Exception to use with raise
# To return an action, assign: action = {...}
ids = []
for i in env['ir.model'].search([]):
a = env[i.model]
if ids:
cr.execute('DELETE FROM ir_model_relation WHERE model IN %s', (tuple(ids), ))
cr.execute('DELETE FROM ir_model_constraint WHERE model IN %s', (tuple(ids), ))
cr.execute('UPDATE hr_job SET alias_id=null WHERE alias_id IN (SELECT id FROM mail_alias WHERE alias_model_id IN %s )' % (tuple(ids),))
cr.execute('DELETE FROM ir_model WHERE id in %s', (tuple(ids),) )
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