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Created April 18, 2017 17:17
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records = env['pos.order'].browse(context.get('active_ids'))
for object in records:
if not object.amount_total < 0:
# When is created a new register, verify that partner have VAT, and
# create and validate automatically the invoice
# Are related the customer journals with the id of payment method
# Dict = {journal_id: payment_method_id}
mapping = {
37: 3,
35: 3,
36: 3,
31: 4,
32: 4,
33: 4,
34: 3,
26: 4,
1: 1,
2: 1,
22: 1,
29: 1,
30: 1}
# I make sure that journal exist in the system
if env['account.journal'].search([('id', 'in', mapping.keys())]):
# Search in all payments related with the order the movement with
# more amount to assign like payment method
statement = env[''].search([('id', 'in', object.statement_ids.ids), ('amount', '>=', 0)], order='amount', limit=1)
# Write the payment method that are taken from mapping dict
object.invoice_id.write({'payment_method_id': mapping.get(, False)})
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