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<title>Grabinschrift auf Stele</title> | |
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<authority>Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg</authority> | |
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<idno type="TM">178459</idno><idno type="localID">HD008323</idno> | |
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<p>© Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities</p> | |
<licence target="">This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 license. | |
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<objectType ref="">Stele</objectType> | |
<material ref="">unbestimmt</material> | |
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<height>-90</height> | |
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<rs type="execution">eingemeißelt (mit Farbresten)</rs> | |
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<height unit="cm">4.5-5</height> | |
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</physDesc> | |
<history> | |
<origin> | |
<origPlace><placeName type="provinceItalicRegion" ref="">Dacia</placeName><placeName ref="">Porolissum</placeName></origPlace> | |
<origDate notBefore-custom="0171" notAfter-custom="0270" datingMethod="">171 AD – 270 AD | |
</origDate> | |
</origin> | |
<provenance type="found"> | |
<date when="1843">1843</date> | |
<placeName ref="">Creaca</placeName><placeName type="modern_region" ref="">Sălaj</placeName><placeName type="modernCountry" ref="">Rumänien</placeName></provenance> | |
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<language ident="grc">Ancient Greek</language> | |
<language ident="grc-Latn">Transliterated Greek</language> | |
<language ident="el">Modern Greek</language> | |
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<creation>EAGLE - Europeana Network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy</creation></profileDesc> | |
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überprüft an Foto | |
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<div type="bibliography"> | |
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AE 1979, 0497. (B) | |
</bibl> | |
<bibl> | |
ILD 709. | |
</bibl> | |
<bibl> | |
E. Tóth, Porolissum. Das castellum in Moigrad. Ausgrabungen von A. Radnóti, 1943 (Budapest 1978) 31, Nr. 26; Taf. 7, 26; Abb. 26 (Zeichnung). - AE 1979. | |
</bibl> | |
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<!-- | |
D(is) [M(anibus)] / Ael(ia?) Veri[na? vi]/xit ann[is - - -] / PEIVAIV[- - -] / annis V(?)XX[& | |
--><div type="edition" xml:lang="la"><head>Text</head><ab><lb n="1"/> | |
<expan><abbr>D</abbr><ex>is</ex></expan> <supplied reason="lost"><expan><abbr>M</abbr><ex>anibus</ex></expan></supplied> <lb n="2"/><expan><abbr>Ael</abbr><ex cert="low">ia</ex></expan> Veri<supplied reason="lost">na<certainty locus="name" match="preceding-sibling::text()" cert="low"/> vi</supplied><lb break="no" n="3"/>xit ann<supplied reason="lost">is</supplied><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/> <lb n="4"/>PEIVAIV<gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/> <lb n="5"/>annis <expan><abbr>V</abbr><ex cert="low"/>XX</expan><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/> <lb n="0"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="line"/> | |
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<div type="commentary"> | |
<p> Gefunden im Bereich der porta principalis sinistra des Lagers. Oberhalb des Inschriftfeldes die Büsten eines Mannes und einer Frau; mindestens eine weitere Büste verloren. Bei der Auffindung befanden sich noch Reste von roter Farbe in den Buchstaben. Z. 4: Lesung unsicher. (B): AE 1979: Z. 4-5: nicht angegeben.</p> | |
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